Heather Nevitt

Heather Nevitt

Heather D. Nevitt is the Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Counsel and Global Leaders in Law.

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February 05, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

How to Show the Real Value of Your Litigation Team

One of the most difficult aspects of working in-house as litigation counsel is demonstrating value to the company. Put another way, that means making it clear you are more than a cost center.

By Joshua Stein

7 minute read

February 01, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

AI's Blueprint for Hiring Your Next General Counsel

I've been playing with ChatGPT. I asked the AI tool to list its best practices for companies to follow when hiring a General Counsel. It's actually a pretty good starting point. The only thing missing from the list is "Hire a Search Firm."

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

January 22, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Biden's AI Executive Order: 6 Actions for Legal Leaders

While embedding the principles of this recent executive order into AI governance and risk management should be an enterprise-wide effort, legal has a significant role to play. In this article, we discuss six actions legal leaders should take to help their organization generate value from AI and adapt to an evolving regulatory landscape.

By Laura Cohn

7 minute read

January 18, 2024 |

Don't Be an Ostrich: Understand (and Embrace) the Benefits and Risks of AI

If your head is still in the sand, now is the time to pull it out and learn what role Gen AI can play in your business strategy.

By Heather Nevitt

6 minute read

January 18, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Did California Defeat the Non-Compete?

What employers may not realize is that if the Courts uphold the recent California laws, then California has the ability to invalidate any non-compete agreement that an employer signs with an employee.

By Angelique Strong Marks

6 minute read

January 17, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

The Compensation Puzzle: An Added Piece Is 'Compensation Culture'

There's one piece that may be the most critical to ensuring you are walking into a compensation negotiation from a position of strength: Have a grasp of a company's compensation philosophy, otherwise known as their "compensation culture." Compensation culture will dictate salary ranges, the negotiation and everything in between.

By Heather Fine

6 minute read

January 05, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

The Four Groups Grappling With DEI-Related Litigation Following the Affirmative Action Decision

Litigation threats challenging employment-related DEI practices, foundations and other charitable institutions, vendor and supplier diversity programs, corporate board governance programs, and investment strategies emerged using the Court's reasoning in the Harvard/UNC decision. This article discusses the latest litigation trends for those areas.

By Sharon Masling and Ami Wynne

7 minute read

January 04, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

The Latest Gen AI Information for In-House Counsel

After hearing from in-house counsel about the challenges of understanding and effectively using generative AI, we have compiled the latest information from around our newsroom to help you as legal department leaders understand the risks and opportunities of using this evolving technology.

By Heather Nevitt

1 minute read

January 02, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Looking for Your Dream Job? Don't Follow Your Heart

Following your heart, in the context of one's career, usually translates into: "I should be happy at work, and I should move if I'm not." Getting to a dream attorney job includes, unfortunately, a lot of dues paying and long hours. Following your heart tends to turn into an excuse for job hopping.

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

December 19, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Our Top 10 + 1 Predicted Business and Human Rights Issues for 2024

In the spirit of Human Rights Day, which in 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the date the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we have been bold and venturesome with our list. As you will see, some of our topics are cyclical, others just emerging, and a few persisting. But here are our top 10 + 1, in no particular order.

By Jonathan Drimmer, Tara Giunta and Ruth Knox

17 minute read