Jacqueline Thomsen

Jacqueline Thomsen

Jacqueline Thomsen, based in Washington, is a reporter covering D.C. federal courts and the legal side of politics. Contact her at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter @jacq_thomsen.

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November 08, 2021 | National Law Journal

What the Charlottesville Trial Against White Nationalists Means for Lawsuits Filed Over Jan. 6 Riots

The lawsuits all rely on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, a post-Civil War law designed to protect newly freed Black Americans from white supremacists, although the cases invoke different sections of the law.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

9 minute read

November 04, 2021 |

Bench Report: DOJ Is Fighting This Challenge to the Judiciary's Misconduct Policies. Plus, Biden Flips the Second Circuit

Justice Department lawyers this week told federal appeals judges to not revive a lawsuit challenging the judiciary's protocols for handling misconduct complaints.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

9 minute read

November 04, 2021 | National Law Journal

Trump's Lawyer Faced Tough Questions From a Judge Over Fight to Shield Records From Jan. 6 Committee

"The separation of powers issue you keep talking about, I find it hard to discern here because, in a rare instance, the executive branch and the legislative branch are in agreement," said U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

5 minute read

November 03, 2021 | National Law Journal

'It Was All a Lie': One America News Faces Another Defamation Lawsuit Over False Election Rigging Claims

"OANN had every opportunity to do the right thing after the 2020 election for president and vice president of the United States. It could have reported the truth. Instead, OANN chose to do the wrong thing every time. It reported a lie," the complaint reads.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

4 minute read

November 03, 2021 | National Law Journal

Delaware Judge Leonard Stark Is Biden's Latest Pick for the Federal Circuit

Stark, 52, currently sits on the federal court in Delaware and fill the vacancy created by Judge Kathleen O'Malley, who will retire next year.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

6 minute read

November 01, 2021 | National Law Journal

Beth Robinson, Flipping 2nd Circuit, Becomes 1st LGBTQ+ Woman Appeals Judge

The Senate is also set to confirm Toby Heytens to the Fourth Circuit.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

3 minute read

November 01, 2021 | National Law Journal

After Full Circuit's Recusal and Lawyers' Request, Panel of Judges Hearing Case Is Revealed

Senior Judges Mary Beck Briscoe, Ronald Lee Gilman and Michael Melloy, who each sit on different circuits, were tapped by Chief Justice John Roberts to hear the appeal.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

3 minute read

October 29, 2021 | National Law Journal

An Entire Circuit Is Recused From a Case. These Lawyers Want to Know Which Judges Are Handling It Instead

"By requiring transparency in intercircuit assignments, the statute protects the right of parties to a fair tribunal, as well as the right of the public and press to access judicial records," the filing reads.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

4 minute read

October 29, 2021 | National Law Journal

'We Don't Settle With Nazis': Inside the Years-Long Legal Process to Get the Charlottesville Case to Trial

Lawyers from Cooley, Paul Weiss and Kaplan Hecker have spent years collaborating on the civil lawsuit against the alleged organizers of the white nationalist "Unite the Right" rally in 2017, which went to trial this week in Charlottesville.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

6 minute read

October 29, 2021 |

Bench Report: A Dispatch From Inside the Charlottesville Courtroom. Plus, a Senate Rush on Confirming Judges

What it's like in the federal courthouse in Charlottesville. Plus, a federal judge confirmation bonanza in the Senate.

By Jacqueline Thomsen

8 minute read