December 15, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer
Court Opens Door for Holding Reckless Gun Manufacturers to Account, Part 2In this part, I will discuss a recent en banc opinion in which a majority of the Pennsylvania Superior Court struck down the PLCAA as an overreach of Congress' enumerated powers.
By James P. Goslee
14 minute read
December 08, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer
Court Opens Door for Holding Reckless Gun Manufacturers to Account, Part 1In a recent en banc opinion, a majority of the Pennsylvania Superior Court struck down the PLCAA as an overreach of Congress' enumerated powers. The Superior Court's opinion in Gustafson v. Springfield, was surprising, but the correct result.
By James P. Goslee
10 minute read
October 25, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer
Medical Device Litigation—Is the End Near for Comment K?Comment k was intended to be a narrow exception to strict liability and only applied in cases where an otherwise useful product is "incapable of being made safe."
By James P. Goslee
13 minute read
November 03, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
Superior Court Upends 'Anachronism' Prejudicing Injured ChildrenOn Nov. 5, 2013, we wrote an article published in The Legal Intelligencer, titled "A Common-Law Anachronism Impacting Injured Minors," about a little-known and hopelessly outdated common-law rule that often prohibits catastrophically injured children from recovering medical expenses from otherwise liable defendants in personal injury cases.
By James P. Goslee and Stewart L. Cohen
6 minute read
November 02, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
Superior Court Upends 'Anachronism' Prejudicing Injured ChildrenOn Nov. 5, 2013, we wrote an article published in The Legal Intelligencer, titled "A Common-Law Anachronism Impacting Injured Minors," about a little-known and hopelessly outdated common-law rule that often prohibits catastrophically injured children from recovering medical expenses from otherwise liable defendants in personal injury cases.
By James P. Goslee and Stewart L. Cohen
6 minute read
March 18, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Obtaining Early Confirmation of Coverage in LitigationPursuing a successful medical malpractice claim in Pennsylvania is both challenging and expensive. Important facts are often unknown, the medicine can be difficult and the standard of care unclear.
By James P. Goslee and Jillian A.S. Roman
6 minute read
November 05, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer
A Common-Law Anachronism Impacting Injured MinorsRepresenting a minor catastrophically injured by a negligent third party can pose a number of unique legal and procedural challenges that need to be carefully navigated in order to put on a successful case.
By James P. Goslee and Stewart Cohen
6 minute read
January 09, 2012 | The Legal Intelligencer
Major Changes to Removal Jurisdiction in 2012With surprisingly little coverage or commentary, on Dec. 7, 2011, President Obama signed new legislation that will significantly change the rules for removing cases to federal court.
By James P. Goslee
6 minute read
May 10, 2012 | The Legal Intelligencer
Leaving the Courthouse: Career Advice for Law ClerksAs summer approaches, the annual rotation of judicial clerks is beginning to kick into gear. Recent law graduates who accepted positions as judicial clerks will be preparing to join chambers.
By James P. Goslee
8 minute read
January 22, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer
Prioritizing Business Development to Ensure AutonomyAs the national economy continues to struggle through slow growth in the aftermath of the 2008 recession, employment opportunities for new graduates and young professionals are at a premium. Lawyers and law firms have certainly not been spared. Reduced job opportunities, attorney layoffs, partner de-equitizations and even firm bankruptcies have been reported with increased regularity. Although the law may be a privileged profession, it is also a business and subject to the same market forces as other private enterprises. In light of these economic uncertainties and reduced job opportunities, now more than ever, young lawyers need to allocate significant time and energy to business development. Unfortunately, business development is rarely taught or even mentioned in law school and law firms systemically fail to provide proper training or guidance to young associates. Therefore, it is incumbent upon young lawyers to take the initiative in establishing a future client base. This article explores ideas and opportunities young lawyers may consider in laying the groundwork for future business development.
By James P. Goslee and Matthew T. Stone
10 minute read
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