Janet Difiore

Janet Difiore

April 28, 2022 | New York Law Journal

Amending the Judiciary Article of the New York State Constitution To Accommodate the Changing Needs of All New Yorkers

Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge of the State of New York, writes: On this Law Day focused on the "Constitution in Times of Change," it is appropriate to highlight how our court simplification plan would modernize our court system in other important respects.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

8 minute read

January 14, 2022 | New York Law Journal

Equal Justice Requires Simplification of the New York State Courts

Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge of the State of New York, writes: New Yorkers need a simple-to-navigate, equitably-structured court system that delivers first-class justice services to every litigant in every court—regardless of who they are or where they come from in life.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

8 minute read

April 30, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Advancing the Rule of Law Now: Ensuring Equal Justice for All

Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge of the State of New York, focuses on a core element of the rule of law—ensuring that every individual is treated equally under the law. She writes that the existence or even the perception of bias and discrimination in the courts and the justice system undermines public faith in the legitimacy of our cherished legal institutions.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

7 minute read

January 15, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Bench and Bar Face Shared Challenges and Opportunities in 2021

Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge of the State of New York, writes that over the coming year, we will have many opportunities to strengthen our justice system and our profession—from safely re-starting in-person court proceedings to preparing for an expected surge of pandemic-related litigation to ensuring access to justice for struggling New Yorkers to following through on our shared commitment to ending racism and fostering equal justice under law.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

8 minute read

April 30, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Women Have Made Many Strides, But Dangerous Voting Trends Remain

Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge of the State of New York, writes about the strides women have made since gaining the right to vote, but that much remains to be done as voter participation continues to decline.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

6 minute read

January 24, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Bench and Bar United on Need To Simplify New York's Court Structure

Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge of the State of New York, addresses the most important issue for the future of our justice system: amending Article VI of the New York State Constitution to simplify our inefficient, outdated trial court structure.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

8 minute read

November 27, 2019 | New York Law Journal

NY Attorney Emeritus Program Celebrates 10th Anniversary

The Attorney Emeritus Program (AEP) was created a decade ago when many Americans were struggling with legal problems related to the worst economic…

By Janet DiFiore

5 minute read

April 30, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Independent Judiciary and Independent Press Are Crucial to Free Society

Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge of the State of New York, writes: As judges and lawyers who value the rule of law and understand the power and purpose of the First Amendment, we must be vigilant in responding to new challenges created by the rise of the Internet and social media, and by the powerful ways in which they are influencing our public discourse.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

6 minute read

January 11, 2019 | New York Law Journal

The Perennial Challenge of Delivering Affordable and Accessible Justice

Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge of the State of New York, addresses one of the most serious challenges facing the Bar and Bench today: How can we make sure that every person gets their day in court? She writes: All of us, working together, have it in our power to keep our courthouse doors open and accessible for every person seeking his or her day in court.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

7 minute read

April 30, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Our Commitment to Excellence Helps Keep Our Judiciary Strong and Independent

This ingenious “framework for freedom” is not self-executing or self-sustaining. It requires every one of us who has committed our professional lives to the law to be vigilant in defending judicial independence and to work earnestly to promote fair and effective justice institutions that are valued by the public.

By Janet DiFiore, Chief Judge, State of New York

8 minute read