Jason Grant

Jason Grant

Jason Grant is a staff writer covering legal stories and cases for the New York Law Journal, the National Law Journal and, and a former practicing attorney. He's written and reported previously for the New York Times, the Star-Ledger, the L.A. Times and other publications. Contact him at [email protected]. On Twitter, pls find him @JasonBarrGrant

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February 09, 2023 |

11th Circuit OKs Georgia Man's Suit Asking for Death by Firing Squad Over Lethal Injection

The inmate has "stated a plausible claim for relief by arguing that his use of the anticonvulsant drug gabapentin for back pain would make his brain less responsive, or possibly unresponsive, to a drug used by Georgia for lethal injections," wrote a three-judge circuit court panel.

By Jason Grant

6 minute read

February 09, 2023 | New York Law Journal

In Med Mal Case, First Department Rules Failure to Oppose Dismissal Motion Doesn't Render Dismissal 'Unappealable'

The First Department court, though, still affirmed dismissal of the case "on the merits," saying that the plaintiffs' "longstanding pattern of noncompliance with discovery demands and court orders ... raised an inference of willful and contumacious conduct."

By Jason Grant

3 minute read

February 08, 2023 |

Attorney Disbarred for Collecting Fees While Leaving Cases Idle

A complaint in the matter, the facts of which a hearing officer found "admitted and established," said that the lawyer "abandoned" two different cases, each of which a court clerk noticed for dismissal based on "want of prosecution."

By Jason Grant

5 minute read

February 08, 2023 |

Massachusetts AG Reaches $7.6M Settlement With Toyota Motor Credit Corp. Over Auto Loan Collection Practices

"Consumers facing repossession and collection actions on their vehicles deserve clear and transparent information from auto lenders," said Massachusetts Attorney General Joy Campbell. Her office noted that more than 500 borrowers across Massachusetts are expected to be eligible for relief under the $7.6 million settlement, which includes about $5.5 million in debt relief funds.

By Jason Grant

3 minute read

February 06, 2023 | New York Law Journal

'Without Fear of Retribution': NY State Bar Forms Group to Study Facial-Recognition Blacklisting of Lawyers From MSG, Radio City

"The use of facial recognition software to exclude members of law firms from a Knicks basketball game or a Taylor Swift concert discriminates against lawyers for doing their jobs," said Sherry Levin Wallach, the New York State Bar Association's president.

By Jason Grant

5 minute read

February 03, 2023 | New York Law Journal

First Department Affirms Special Master's $1M-Plus Legal Fee Award Against Anna Condo

"Contrary to plaintiff's [Anna Condo's] contention," special master Susan Bender, "had the legal authority to award legal fees associated with defendant's [former husband, George Condo's] motion sequence ... and the defense against plaintiff's appeals to this Court," wrote the appellate panel.

By Jason Grant

6 minute read

February 03, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Manhattan Judge Allows Ex-Morelli Client's Countersuit Breach Claim to Advance in Dispute Over $5.5M in Legal Fees

"Given the allegations that Morelli acknowledged the dispute [over the additional 10% contingency fee] multiple times, [Morelli Law Firm's] arguments regarding the possible binding effect of the fee letter, and defendant's possible ratification thereof, raise issues of fact," said Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Louis Nock.

By Jason Grant

7 minute read

January 31, 2023 |

Jennifer Barron, Experienced Civil Litigator, Appointed a Circuit Judge for Illinois Eighteenth Judicial Circuit

Barron will step into the trial-court judge position on Feb. 15, and her appointment will end on Dec. 2, 2024, after the November 2024 general election, the Illinois State Bar Association said.

By Jason Grant

3 minute read

January 26, 2023 | New York Law Journal

NY Legislators Advance Amendment That Would Enshrine Women's Reproductive Rights in State Constitution

The Democrat-controlled legislature has made the institution of an equality amendment a renewed priority after the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization struck down women's federal right to abortion.

By Jason Grant

6 minute read

January 25, 2023 | New York Law Journal

First Department Reinstates Racial Discrimination Claim by Black Former Manager at Famed Carlo's Bakery

The reinstatement of the state law and city law-based claim comes despite the plaintiff apparently mislabeling her lawsuit's discrimination cause of action as one rooted in a "hostile workplace," when her complaint describes a single incident and a next-day firing.

By Jason Grant

6 minute read