February 24, 2014 | Texas Lawyer
Advice From Recent Laterals on Making the Big MoveFive attorneys who lateralled to one of Texas' largest firms during 2013, share their answers to the question, "What advice would you give to other lawyers, particularly partners, who are contemplating a lateral move?"
By Jeanne Graham
4 minute read
February 24, 2014 | Texas Lawyer
Risky Business: Lateral Moves Down for 2013, Firms Slow Hiring, Lawyers Move With CautionEighteen of the state's 25 largest firms participated in Texas Lawyer's Lateral Hiring Survey and reported hiring 14.1 percent fewer lateral attorneys— 249 versus 290—than they had in 2012.
By Jeanne Graham
8 minute read
February 03, 2014 | Texas Lawyer
World-Wide WorkErnesto Garcia's job spans the globe. He's the vice president-legal, general counsel and corporate secretary for BBVA Bancomer USA Inc., which provides cross-border money transactions.
By Jeanne Graham
4 minute read
January 09, 2014 | Texas Lawyer
The REIT Stuff: Dallas GC Rides Out Recession on Real-Estate Roller CoasterTelisa Webb Schelin drives the legal decisions for Dallas-based Tier Reit Inc., a $3 billion real estate investment trust of 44 commercial office properties. "2014 looks very bright, and we are happy to be on the other side of that period of time," she said about the recession.
By Jeanne Graham
5 minute read
December 30, 2013 | Texas Lawyer
Recession Rebound: Managing Partner Survey Shows Positive Growth TrendTexas Lawyer invited firm chairs, presidents, managing partners of Texas firms and the partners-in-charge of Texas offices of out-of-state firms to share their thoughts on management strategies during 2013 and expectations for the Texas legal market in 2014.
By Jeanne Graham
8 minute read
December 02, 2013 | Texas Lawyer
The Man With MoxieAfter seven years as a corporate associate with a big law firm, Patrick Maroney went in-house to expand his skills. "As an associate you get very good at doing certain things," said Maroney, now general counsel of Moxie Software Inc. "I really wanted to be a more complete attorney."
By Jeanne Graham
5 minute read
December 02, 2013 | Texas Lawyer
Secrets of Success: BigTex Firms' Minority Owners Give Advice on Making PartnerA partner or shareholder at each of six firms that increased the number of minority equity partners in their Texas offices, as well as the percentage representation of minority equity partners, talked about the role ethnicity has played in his or her legal career and shared advice for associates on the partnership track.
By Jeanne Graham
8 minute read
November 11, 2013 | Texas Lawyer
Bar Stars: Meet the Three Unique Top Scorers of July Texas Bar ExamThe three top scorers on the July Texas bar exam aren't people who went to law school because they didn't know what else to do. They were knee-deep in other disciplines when they decided to make a change for the legal profession.
By Jeanne Graham
4 minute read
November 04, 2013 | Texas Lawyer
Outfitted for AdventureLisa Gold is the top lawyer for Bedrock Manufacturing Co., but she has no office--not even a partitioned cubicle space. "This is not your everyday corporate lawyer environment," says the vice president and general counsel of the privately held, Plano-based company.
By Jeanne Graham
6 minute read
October 28, 2013 | Texas Lawyer
Baby Boom: For Second Year in a Row, Large Firms Continue to Bring In More Baby LawyersSince the financial crisis of 2008, this is the second year in a row that the large firms participating in Texas Lawyer's New Associate Hires survey have brought in a larger entering class than the previous year. The firms are filling in their associate ranks to make up for smaller or nonexistent first-year associate classes since 2008, says one firm consultant.
By Jeanne Graham
5 minute read
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