Jennifer Genova Compiled From Thomsonreuters Financial

Jennifer Genova Compiled From Thomsonreuters Financial

August 14, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

Vornado Makes $272.5M Sale

Vornado makes a sale, while attorneys from Budd Larner advise a Summit company when they sell a majority stake.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read

August 07, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

Alvogen Buys Dream Pharma

Alvogen pays $187 million in cash to acquire fellow pharmaceutical company Dream Pharma of Seoul, South Korea.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read

July 30, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

CIT Group Buys IMB for $3.4B

CIT Bank is merging with OneWest Bank as part of a larger transaction valued at $3.4 billion, Livingston's CIT Group announced.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read

July 25, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

York Risk Services Sold for $1.3B

York Risk Services is sold for more than a billion dollars, while Chambers Street Properties sells a U.K. shopping center.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read

July 17, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

Rockwood Holdings Sold for $6.2B

Princeton's Rockwood Holdings has been sold to a Baton Rouge, La., chemical manufacturer for $2.6 billion.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read

July 11, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

McGraw Hill Data Center Sold for $75M

A Kansas realty trust has paid $75 million to acquire McGraw Hill's East Windsor data center.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read

July 07, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

Dava Sold to Endo for $545M

Pharmacueutical week in N.J.: Valeant spends $41 million, while Dava is sold for $545 million.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

1 minute read

June 27, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

Western World Bought for $690M

A Franklin Lakes insurance company is sold for $690 million, while DCH Auto Group is bought for $362 million.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read

June 19, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

NJ Transit Buys Busses for $41M

NJ Transit spends $41 million on new natural gas busses, The Plus Companies is acquired, and more mergers and acquisitions.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read

June 13, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

Merck Pays $3.85B for Idenix

Big buys this week for Merck, NRG and Celsion.

By Jennifer Genova (compiled from ThomsonReuters Financial and other sources)

2 minute read