Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez is based in New York and covers corporate law departments.

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July 19, 2017 | Legaltech News

Verizon Data Exposure Incident Highlights Importance of Third-Party Due Diligence

As companies rely on these vendors more and more, often handing over sensitive data, in-house counsel have to be increasingly concerned about minimizing risks.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

5 minute read

July 18, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Verizon Data Exposure Incident Highlights Importance of Third-Party Due Diligence

The news that a Verizon Communications vendor exposed millions of customer records highlights the serious risks related to trusting third-party vendors with company data.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

5 minute read

July 17, 2017 | Inside Counsel

How Paul Sieminski of WordPress Takes On the Challenges of Protecting User Data

With companies, particularly in the tech space, collecting more and more user data, there has been ongoing tension around government requests…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

4 minute read

July 17, 2017 | Legaltech News

How WordPress Takes On the Challenges of Protecting User Data

Paul Sieminski, Automattic's GC, said that the Snowden leaks significantly changed the data privacy and government requests landscape.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

7 minute read

July 14, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

How Paul Sieminski of WordPress Takes On the Challenges of Protecting User Data

Sieminski's company recently got a high rating from the Electronic Frontier Foundation on protection of user data.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

8 minute read

July 12, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Trademark Symbols: Powerful Tools for In-House Counsel?

Though companies often place a high value on protecting their trademarks, some may be missing out on the opportunity to put others on notice of their…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

4 minute read

July 11, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

'Experiment' to Give In-House Counsel New Trove of Data About Outside Firm Relationships

In-house counsel are welcoming a new initiative that measures the interactions between legal departments and their outside attorneys.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

4 minute read

July 11, 2017 | Inside Counsel

With Infringement Complaints, Qualcomm GC Says It's Time for 'Affirmative Action' Against Apple

In the latest in the face-off between Apple Inc. and Qualcomm Inc., the latter has filed two patent infringement complaints related to six of…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

4 minute read

July 10, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Trademark Symbols: Powerful Tools for In-House Counsel?

Though companies often place a high value on protecting their trademarks, some may be missing out on the opportunity to put others on notice of their rights by way of trademark symbols.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

4 minute read

July 07, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

With Infringement Complaints, Qualcomm GC Says It's Time for 'Affirmative Action' Against Apple

Don Rosenberg, general counsel of Qualcomm, spoke on why his company is striking back at Apple.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

9 minute read