Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez is based in New York and covers corporate law departments.

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April 28, 2017 | Legaltech News

New Initiative Seeks to Establish Common Language for Legal Matters

Standards for the Legal Industry (SALI) is behind an initiative to create "matter standards" that in-house legal departments, law firms and business partners can use.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

13 minute read

April 28, 2017 | Legaltech News

New Initiative Seeks to Establish Common Language for Legal Matters

Standards for the Legal Industry (SALI) is behind an initiative to create "matter standards" that in-house legal departments, law firms and business partners can use.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

5 minute read

April 28, 2017 | The American Lawyer

New Initiative Seeks to Establish Common Language for Legal Matters

A developing project around legal matter standards could give law departments a new language to speak when they talk about their work.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

14 minute read

April 28, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

New Initiative Seeks to Establish Common Language for Legal Matters

A developing project around legal matter standards could give law departments a new language to speak when they talk about their work.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

14 minute read

April 25, 2017 | Legaltech News

The Benefits of Welcoming AI Into the Legal Department

An upcoming CLOC session will focus on the current uses of AI to drive positive operational improvements in spend analytics and outside counsel management.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

6 minute read

April 25, 2017 | Legaltech News

The Benefits of Welcoming AI Into the Legal Department

An upcoming CLOC session will focus on the current uses of AI to drive positive operational improvements in spend analytics and outside counsel management.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

6 minute read

April 24, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

The Benefits of Welcoming AI Into the Legal Department

At an upcoming CLOC institute, panelists will discuss how artificial intelligence could have an upside for some legal departments.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

6 minute read

April 24, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

The Benefits of Welcoming AI Into the Legal Department

At an upcoming CLOC institute, panelists will discuss how artificial intelligence could have an upside for some legal departments.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

6 minute read

April 19, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Whirlpool CCO Talks Compliance as Career Path for In-House Lawyers

Kim Yapchai, chief compliance officer at Whirlpool, talks about the benefits of entering the compliance side of the in-house legal world.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

6 minute read

April 19, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Whirlpool CCO Talks Compliance as Career Path for In-House Lawyers

Kim Yapchai, chief compliance officer at Whirlpool, talks about the benefits of entering the compliance side of the in-house legal world.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

6 minute read