Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez is based in New York and covers corporate law departments.

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October 18, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

How In-House Counsel Handle Rogue Employees

From the Association of Corporate Counsel's Annual Meeting, a look at how GCs keep employees from walking off with sensitive data.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

3 minute read

October 17, 2017 | Inside Counsel

What In-House Counsel Are Doing to Prepare for the GDPR

With the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation set to go into effect in less than a year, companies and in-house counsel…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

5 minute read

October 17, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

How In-House Counsel Can Mitigate Digital Advertising Risks

For many companies, a major piece of the marketing strategy now includes digital advertising. And while this offers an excellent tool for building a brand, there are a number of risks to consider. This is where in-house counsel have a major role to play in protecting the company.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez | Corporate Counsel |

8 minute read

October 17, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

What In-House Counsel Are Doing to Prepare for the GDPR

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation is set to go into effect in May 2018. How are legal departments preparing?

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

5 minute read

October 13, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

In-House Counsel Hold Differing Views on Sex-Trafficking Bill

The legislation is "horrible and counterproductive," said one chief legal officer.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez | Corporate Counsel |

5 minute read

October 12, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Why China Is Still A Challenge for In-House IP Counsel

For most global companies, the need to think about how to protect intellectual property in China is an inevitable reality. For a few years, there have…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

5 minute read

October 12, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Why China Is Still A Challenge for In-House IP Counsel

While on one hand the IP protection situation in China appears to have improved somewhat, plenty of obstacles remain for foreign companies that want to protect what's legally theirs in the country.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez | Corporate Counsel |

5 minute read

October 10, 2017 | Inside Counsel

What Could Equifax CLO John Kelley Have Done Differently?

John Kelley, CLO of Equifax, has found himself at the center of the controversy surrounding the recent massive data breach at the company.Former Equifax…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

7 minute read

October 10, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

What Could Equifax CLO John Kelley Have Done Differently?

John Kelley, CLO of Equifax, has found himself at the center of the controversy surrounding the recent massive data breach at the company.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez | Corporate Counsel |

19 minute read

October 06, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Petition to Look at Former CBS Lawyer Underscores Ethical Risks of Social Media

After being fired for a controversial Facebook post in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, former CBS lawyer Hayley Geftman-Gold…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

5 minute read