Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez is based in New York and covers corporate law departments.

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October 02, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Fox News Lawyer Named in Fourth Suit. Now What?

Dianne Brandi's name is popping up over and over again in suits against the media company.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

5 minute read

September 29, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

The Fight to Keep Uber CLO Salle Yoo Out of Court in Battle With Waymo

As the trial date nears in the high-stakes battle between Uber Technologies Inc. and Google Inc. driverless car unit Waymo, the two giants are disputing whether Uber chief legal officer Salle Yooshould be made available.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

3 minute read

September 29, 2017 | Inside Counsel

The Fight to Keep Uber CLO Salle Yoo Out of Court in Battle With Waymo

As the trial date nears in the high-stakes battle between Uber Technologies Inc. and Google Inc. driverless car unit Waymo, the two giants are…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

3 minute read

September 28, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

The Fight to Keep Uber CLO Salle Yoo Out of Court in Battle With Waymo

Will Google's driverless car unit be able to drag Uber's top lawyer into court? Not if Uber has its way.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

4 minute read

September 28, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Is There a Right Way to Handle Table-Top Exercises? In-House Counsel Discuss

At Corporate Counsel's 29th Annual General Counsel Conference, in-house lawyers gave their views on the matter, and sometimes disagreed.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez | Corporate Counsel |

7 minute read

September 28, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Is There a Right Way to Handle Table-Top Exercises? In-House Counsel Discuss

For in-house attorneys, table-top exercises offer a valuable tool to stress test a company's crisis response plans.The most effective way to…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

3 minute read

September 27, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Is There a Right Way to Handle Table-Top Exercises? In-House Counsel Discuss

At Corporate Counsel's 29th Annual General Counsel Conference, in-house lawyers gave their views on the matter, and sometimes disagreed.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

3 minute read

September 25, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Velcro Companies: Fighting Trademark Misuse With a Song

In an effort to protect valuable intellectual property, some companies are getting more creative in their approaches. UGG Holdings Inc. uses dedicated…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

3 minute read

September 25, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

In-House IP Counsel Doing More With Smaller Budgets, Report Says

Although intellectual property budgets continue to be squeezed, patent filings are on the rise, according to a recently released report, indicating that…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

3 minute read

September 25, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

In-House Counsel Role in Branding is Key to Success

As much as 75 percent of a company's value may rest on intangible assets and company executives have said brand reputation…

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

7 minute read