Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

Jennifer Williams-Alvarez is based in New York and covers corporate law departments.

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December 04, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

GC of eHarmony Ronald Sarian Battles Cyberattacks With Knowledge, Careful Planning

Sarian emphasized that keeping up with the latest in cybersecurity can make all the difference in stopping the next attack.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

3 minute read

December 04, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Corporate Counsel Discusses Damage Control in Lower Manhattan Ferry Crash

At the Corporate Counsel Symposium, an event put on Friday by the New York City Bar Association, Thomas Wynne, vice president and general counsel of SeaStreak, recounted how he navigated the crash of a ferry in lower Manhattan.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

4 minute read

December 01, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

One In-House Counsel's Crisis Management Advice: 'Run Into the Flames'

At a New York City Bar Association event, Thomas Wynne of SeaStreak recounted a 2013 ferry crash that put his company in full crisis management mode.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

8 minute read

November 30, 2017 | The American Lawyer

General Counsel Pay Is Up, as the Gender Compensation Gap Lives On

A study by legal recruiters Major, Lindsey & Africa finds that general counsel saw their compensation jump almost 10 percent between 2015 and 2016, but women lawyers at all levels of the legal department are still getting left behind.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

3 minute read

November 30, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

GC Compensation Is Up, as the Gender Pay Gap Lives On

The study reveals that general counsel during this period saw a 9.6 percent increase in compensation, but women lawyers at all levels of the legal department are still getting left behind.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

3 minute read

November 30, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Where Uber Went Wrong In Its Big Data Breach

Between a very long delay in breach notification and a reported payoff to hackers, troubled Uber isn't coming out of this situation looking too great.

By Stephanie Forshee | Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

24 minute read

November 22, 2017 |

Inside Track: AT&T Going to Court | Uber Attorney Out | Equifax CLO on the Hook

Welcome to the first issue of Inside Track, the weekly email briefing where we'll cover key issues for in-house counsel, answer pressing questions and keep you in the know about what your colleagues are up to.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

31 minute read

November 22, 2017 | International Edition

Uber in-house lawyer leaves company amid revelations over undisclosed cyberattack

Company admits it failed to notify 57 million users their data was exposed in a breach

By Stephanie Forshee and Jennifer Williams-Alvarez

3 minute read

November 21, 2017 | The Recorder

Uber In-House Attorney Out Behind Massive Cyberattack That Went Undisclosed

The company failed to notify 57 million users of a breach in October 2016. Two employees tasked with handling the response process have left the company, including Uber in-house attorney Craig Clark, who reported to the company's chief security officer.

By Stephanie Forshee | Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

10 minute read

November 20, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Why In-House Counsel Have Made LGBTQ Inclusion a Priority

Several general counsel whose companies have been lauded for their treatment of LGBTQ employees weigh in on why inclusion matters.

By Jennifer Williams-Alvarez |

9 minute read