Jimmy Hoover

Jimmy Hoover

Jimmy Hoover covers the Supreme Court for The National Law Journal. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter: @JimmyHooverDC. 

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June 13, 2024 | National Law Journal

Justices Side With Trademark Office in Rejecting Anti-Trump Slogan

In his opinion for the court, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that "history and tradition is sufficient to conclude that the names clause—a content-based, but viewpoint-neutral, trademark restriction—is compatible with the First Amendment. We need look no further in this case."

By Jimmy Hoover

3 minute read

June 13, 2024 | National Law Journal

Unanimous Supreme Court Rejects Mifepristone Challenge, Cites Lack of Standing

The decision is a major victory for the Biden administration, which appealed a recent U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit decision that the FDA's actions easing access to mifepristone were unlawful.

By Jimmy Hoover

3 minute read

June 12, 2024 | National Law Journal

Durbin Makes Doomed Effort to Force a Vote on Supreme Court Ethics Reform

"Let's be clear, this is not about improving the court," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina. "This is about undermining the court."

By Jimmy Hoover

5 minute read

June 11, 2024 | National Law Journal

Supreme Court Eyes Major Cases on Climate Change, Voting Rights Act

The justices have called for the views of the U.S. solicitor general, a signal of their interest in perhaps taking up these issues next term.

By Jimmy Hoover

10 minute read

June 10, 2024 | National Law Journal

Justices Will Revisit Medicare Reimbursement Rates for Treating Older, Low-Income Disabled Patients

The question presented is whether patients eligible for supplemental security income must currently be receiving SSI benefits for a hospital to claim a higher Medicare reimbursement from the U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services.

By Jimmy Hoover

2 minute read

June 10, 2024 | National Law Journal

Supreme Court Takes Up Facebook's Appeal of Investors' User Data Scandal Suit

The question before the justices is whether public companies must disclose on Form 10-K to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission any risk that has occurred even if that event "presents no known risk of ongoing or future business harm."

By Jimmy Hoover

3 minute read

June 07, 2024 | National Law Journal

Tickets From Beyoncé and Sweet Book Deals: Justices Divulge Income, Gifts

In financial disclosures released Friday, members of the U.S. Supreme Court revealed how they supplemented their $285,400 salaries ($298,500 for the chief justice) in 2023.

By Jimmy Hoover

5 minute read

June 06, 2024 | National Law Journal

Justices Stick Estate With High Tax Bill Over Life Insurance Policy

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision "upsets the assumptions of many practitioners that the proceeds of life insurance used to redeem a deceased shareholder are not factored into the estate tax calculation," said tax attorney Joel Carpenter.

By Jimmy Hoover

4 minute read

June 06, 2024 | National Law Journal

Supreme Court Says Insurer Can Object to Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Plan

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, writing for the court, stated that an insurer is a "party in interest" that can object when it "may be directly and adversely affected by the reorganization plan."

By Jimmy Hoover

2 minute read

June 06, 2024 | National Law Journal

Divided Supreme Court Sides With Tribes in Dispute Over Health Care Reimbursements

"Aside from being inconsistent with the statute's text, IHS's [the Indian Health Service's] failure to cover contract support costs for healthcare funded by program income inflicts a penalty on tribes for opting in favor of greater self-determination," Chief Justice Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority.

By Jimmy Hoover

6 minute read