Joel Stashenko

Joel Stashenko

January 03, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Supporters of Indigent Defense Bill Vetoed by Cuomo Consider Lawsuit

Supporters of a long-sought uniform system of providing counsel to indigent criminal defendants in New York state vowed to battle on after Gov. Cuomo's New Year's Eve veto of the bill.

By Joel Stashenko

8 minute read

January 03, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Lawyers Decipher New Minimum Wage Rules in NY

New York's new minimum wage law took effect on Dec. 31 with multitiered multijurisdictional wage schedules. Also, other new laws taking effect over the past weekend.

By Joel Stashenko

15 minute read

January 01, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Cuomo Vetoes Bill for State Takeover of Indigent Criminal Defense Costs

The governor said in his veto message that the measure, which provided for a phased-in, seven-year state takeover of indigent criminal legal defense costs now paid by New York City and counties outside the city, was too expensive. He contended it could obligate the state to pick more than $800 million each year when fully implemented.

By Joel Stashenko

12 minute read

December 30, 2016 | New York Law Journal

Civil Rights Groups Hail Appeals Court Ruling in Case Challenging Exclusion of Dark-Skinned Juror

A Dec. 22 ruling by the state's highest court, the Court of Appeals, finding that "skin color" is separate from "race" in a case challenging the exclusion of a dark-skinned Indian-born woman from a jury was hailed by civil rights groups as an important ruling.

By Joel Stashenko

16 minute read

December 30, 2016 | New York Law Journal

Judge Directs State to Release Aid to Struggling Schools

A Supreme Court judge has ruled that 19 public schools should receive state aid for which they qualified as "persistently struggling" institutions, even though nine are no longer on the Education Department's academic warning list.

By Joel Stashenko

4 minute read

December 29, 2016 | New York Law Journal

Uber, Lyft Say They Are Undeterred by Failure of NY Legislature to Act on Legalization This Year

Ridesharing services companies Lyft and Uber say they will renew efforts to get a bill legalizing their operation in upstate counties in the New Year. The bill failed to pass in special session in 2016 because the legislature balked at returning for reasons unrelated to the ridesharing issue. Autonomous vehicles are not included in the bill.

By Joel Stashenko

15 minute read

December 29, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

New York AG Urges US Coast Guard to Drop Hudson Anchorage Proposal

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is asking federal officials to reject the proposed designation of 10 new anchorage sites in the Hudson River between Albany and New York City for petroleum-laden vessels.

By Joel Stashenko

4 minute read

December 29, 2016 | New York Law Journal

Coalition of 19 States and Localities Urge Trump to Retain U.S. Clean Power Plan

A group representing attorneys general of 14 states including New York's AG Eric Schneiderman and five counties and cities including New York City have joined together to urge President-elect Donald Trump not to scrap the Clean Power Act as requested by 24 other states led by West Virginia and Texas.

By Joel Stashenko

4 minute read

December 28, 2016 | New York Law Journal

New York Delays Implementation of Cybersecurity Mandate by Two Months

Implementation of a new regulation requiring financial services companies to establish broad safeguards against cyberattack is being pushed back two months until March 1 after banks and insurers complained that it was impossible.

By Joel Stashenko

14 minute read

December 28, 2016 | New York Law Journal

New Rule Bars Insurance Limits for Employers Who Hire Ex-Convicts

Under a new Department of Financial Services regulation, insurers operating in New York state are banned from excluding employers who hire employees with criminal records from commercial crime policies or limiting their coverage under such policies.

By Joel Stashenko

7 minute read