Joel Stashenko

Joel Stashenko

October 17, 2008 | New York Law Journal

Judges Clarify Time Frame For Bringing Suit Against Trustee

By Joel Stashenko

6 minute read

February 01, 2011 | New York Law Journal

Assembly Member Offers Bill to Prohibit Payments to Judges

Calling payments to judges of up to $10,000 a year for life insurance, new robes, home Internet access and other judicial expenses a form of "backdoor compensation," Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun, R-New Windsor, introduced legislation to block payouts from the Judicial Supplemental Support Fund. "I don't think it will have any support in the Legislature," Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman said of the bill. "In my opinion, it doesn't take into account the suffering that judges have had in 12 years of not having a pay increase."

By Joel Stashenko

4 minute read

June 05, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Legal Aid Wins Bid to Be Notified of City Plans to Evict Homeless

The "broadly worded" terms of a 1981 consent decree provide that the Legal Aid Society, the designated representatives of the homeless, should have "access to any records relevant to enforcement and monitoring" of the decree, which includes notification whenever the city has told shelter residents they are to be evicted for misbehavior or for other conduct that makes them ineligible to receive housing and welfare assistance, the Court of Appeals held yesterday.

By Joel Stashenko

5 minute read

April 07, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Ruling Adopts Narrow Reading of Assumption of Risk Doctrine

Ruling on an issue that had divided Appellate Division courts, the Court of Appeals yesterday refused to recognize the doctrine of primary assumption of risk as a defense against liability for injuries suffered during youthful "frolic" or "horseplay," rejecting the attempt of the Lake George Central School District to amend its answer to a negligent supervision suit in a case where a 12-year-old student was injured when he fell while sliding down a bannister.

By Joel Stashenko

6 minute read

August 09, 2011 | New York Law Journal

Two NY BigLaw Partners Support Salary Increase in Open Meeting on Judicial Pay

By Joel Stashenko

4 minute read

February 15, 2008 |

N.Y. High Court Approves Derivative Lawsuits for LLCs

Derivative suits may be brought by members of limited liability corporations on behalf of their LLCs, even though state law provides no explicit authorization, a divided New York Court of Appeals ruled Thursday. The majority held that precedents dating back to the 18th century demand that LLC members receive the same legal recourse as is available to corporate shareholders. But the dissenters held that the Legislature intentionally omitted mention of such suits from the Limited Liability Company Law.

By Joel Stashenko

6 minute read

June 19, 2008 | New York Law Journal

Firms Say Cuomo Settlement Made Sound Business Sense

By Joel Stashenko

6 minute read

April 07, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Bar Leaders Approve Proposal To Reduce Wrongful Convictions


By Joel Stashenko

9 minute read

August 25, 2008 | New York Law Journal

Though Often Unanimous, Independent Voices Emerge

By Joel Stashenko

11 minute read

April 22, 2008 | New York Law Journal

Court Contracts Defer Raises For Salaries Above $115,000

Non-judicial employees of the Office of Court Administration making $115,000 or more a year would have raises deferred until state judges get their long-sought pay hikes, under tentative contract agreements reached between OCA and 10 bargaining units. The four-year contracts provide for raises of 3 percent in each of the first three years and 4 percent in the fourth year.

By Joel Stashenko

5 minute read