Joel Stashenko

Joel Stashenko

August 01, 2008 | New York Law Journal

New Marriage Law Expected To Benefit Gay Couples Here

A law signed yesterday allowing non-resident same-sex couples to marry in Massachusetts could entice more than 21,000 gay couples from New York to wed in the Bay State over the next three years, according to one estimate. When those newlyweds return home, they will hold marriage licenses recognized as valid by New York state. They also will face a host of statutes and regulations the state has been reinterpreting at the behest of Governor David A. Paterson to extend the same rights and obligations to same-sex couples as traditional spouses.

By Joel Stashenko

10 minute read

May 19, 2008 | New York Law Journal

Senate Bill Would Limit OCA's Use of Court Recording Devices

By Joel Stashenko

6 minute read

August 07, 2007 |

Bid to Dismiss Age Bias Suit Based on CEO's Comment Fails

A New York federal judge has declined to dismiss an age discrimination suit filed by a Champion Home Builders executive who contends he was fired soon after his CEO was heard bemoaning how "old" his management team was getting. Judge David N. Hurd found there was "an issue of fact with respect to the context of the conversation and a credibility question, both of which are directly related to the presence of age-based animus and thus an inference of discrimination."

By Joel Stashenko

5 minute read

July 26, 2007 |

First Day of N.Y. Bar Exam Marked by Software Snafus

Test takers who typed essays on the New York state bar examination into their laptop computers this week experienced problems saving their work and uploading the files for transfer to graders, the chair of the Board of Law Examiners acknowledged Wednesday. The board suspects that a flaw in the Secure Exam software provided to test takers is responsible for the glitches. On the second day of the test, officials were still trying to determine the extent of the problem.

By Joel Stashenko and Mark Fass

5 minute read

August 31, 2007 | New York Law Journal

Two Leave Decisions Called 'Huge Win' for Reservists

By Joel Stashenko

6 minute read

March 17, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Narrow Application Ordered for Patient-Therapist Privilege

An upstate New York magistrate judge has refused to apply the psychotherapist-patient privilege to situations where health professionals refer patients to therapists or where physicians who are not psychotherapists prescribe anti-depressants themselves.

By Joel Stashenko

5 minute read

June 02, 2011 | New York Law Journal

State Bar Head Stresses Importance of Family

By Joel Stashenko

7 minute read

July 07, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Panel Upholds Decision to Move Child Away From Father to Florida

By Joel Stashenko

5 minute read

April 27, 2007 | National Law Journal

N.Y. High Court: Davis Polk Didn't Commit Malpractice, Is Entitled to Fee

Davis Polk & Wardwell did not commit legal malpractice in its handling -- ultimately successful -- of a long-standing federal tax case for the AmBase Corp. and is entitled to a fee of more than $1.4 million, the New York Court of Appeals ruled unanimously Thursday. Though it won the tax case, AmBase balked when Davis Polk submitted a bill for a "success fee" that was provided for in the retainer agreement between the company and the firm.

By Joel Stashenko

5 minute read

September 24, 2009 | New York Law Journal

State Effort Recruits Volunteer Law Clerks

A program offering new or out-of-work attorneys the chance to volunteer as law clerks for state judges is attracting interest, sponsors of the new initiative say. The Unified Court System has received 75 applications from attorneys since the clerkship program was announced two weeks ago, a court official said yesterday. Attorney Lauren J. Wachtler, who is helping organize the program through the New York State Bar Association's Committee on Lawyers in Transition, said 35 lawyers attended a meeting she held last week on the initiative while another 150 watched over the Internet.

By Joel Stashenko

5 minute read