John Hernandez

John Hernandez

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April 27, 2021 |

What Do You Mean I Am Not American? A Lesson on Being Hispanic Outside Miami

Your name, how you looked, how you talked—irrelevant.

By John Hernandez

5 minute read

November 06, 2019 |

The California Consumer Privacy Act: Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask -- 100 Days Out, Part Two

Part Two of a Two-Part Article Part One of this article, last issue, covered how the CCPA applies to businesses — both in and outside California, the revenue threshold, proposed amendments and other open issues. Part Two continues with the rights that CCPA grants to Californians, the CCPA's impact on company privacy policies, how other states' privacy laws compare to the CCPA, exceptions and penalties for violating the Act.

By Alan L. Friel

12 minute read

December 21, 2018 | Daily Report Online

Judge Frank Hull, Top GCs and Litigators Discuss Their Mentors

We asked more than a dozen leaders in Big Law, small law, corporate legal departments and academia to tell us about the people who shaped their careers.

By Vanessa Blum and Leigh Jones

2 minute read

June 28, 2018 | National Law Journal

Navigating Your Path From Public Service to a Firm

With the right preparation and diligence, you'll be able to take your career in the direction you want.

By Raphael Prober

5 minute read

June 12, 2018 | The American Lawyer

Sidley Private Equity Practice Head Jumps to Willkie in NY

Matthew Rizzo, who formerly led Sidley Austin's private equity practice, has joined Willkie Farr & Gallagher in New York, while Jessica Sheridan has come aboard in Texas.

By Dan Packel

1 minute read

November 14, 2017 |

Going to a Football Game This Weekend? Just Don't Get Arrested

Too many beers, too much alcohol, arrests at college football games go beyond students

By John P. Hernandez

3 minute read

October 30, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

Three Noteworthy Criminal Decisions

The Supreme Court of New Jersey discussed the necessity of live testimony at hearings, the standard for conducting a canine sniff, and the rights of car passengers during a police stop.

By Alan L. Zegas

28 minute read

September 28, 2017 | The American Lawyer

That Makes Five: Winston & Strawn Suit Adds To Growing List of Gender Bias Claims

A series of recent gender bias lawsuits from female lawyers have targeted law firms.

By Scott Flaherty

31 minute read

September 26, 2017 | Legaltech News

Deloitte Hack Reveals Email Vulnerabilities and Regulatory Gaps

The hack represents a breach of Deloitte's 'crown jewels,' experts say, and large financial organizations and multinational corporations are likely among those affected.

By John Hernandez | Law Technology News |

5 minute read

July 19, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Conflicting Panel Rulings Demand En Banc Review

I was surprised to learn from the Law Journal's appellate practice column that the Appellate Division, First Department, reached completely different legal conclusions in two cases containing virtually identical factual and legal issues.

By Leon I. Behar

3 minute read