Jonathan A Dachs

Jonathan A Dachs

March 11, 2008 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Law

Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, attorneys with Shayne, Dachs, Stanisci, Corker & Sauer, write that the issuance by the Appellate Division of a decision that appears to contradict, and thus, call into question well-established and well-settled rules of law is a rare and unusual event. When that happens, as it appears to have in a case in which the authors appeared as appellate counsel for the plaintiffs-appellants, the decision is worthy of note, analysis and discussion.

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

11 minute read

November 10, 2008 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Law

Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, attorneys with Shayne, Dachs, Corker, Sauer & Dachs, review recent appellate decisions demonstrating that while often an insured's awareness of an accident with serious injuries will warrant the conclusion that notice should have been promptly given to the insurer, under circumstances where knowledge of the accident and/or injuries is either lacking or justifiably clouded, a question of fact as to whether the insured had a reasonable belief in nonliability sufficient to excuse its late notice might be presented for a jury to determine.

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

19 minute read

May 11, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Proposed Amendments To the No-Fault Law

In their Insurance Law column, Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, partners at Shayne, Dachs, Corker, Sauer & Dachs, write that not only the parties to "serious injury" threshold litigation under current law, but also the courts, have begun to voice their dissatisfaction and complaints.

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

19 minute read

July 12, 2005 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Law

Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, attorneys with Shayne, Dachs, Stanisci, Corker & Sauer, write that one statute has generated so much confusion and so many conflicting decisions recently that they feel that the time has come for clarifying legislation.

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

8 minute read

March 14, 2006 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Law

Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, attorneys with Shayne, Dachs, Stanisci, Corker & Sauer, write that it is well-known that, with the exception of car leasing or rental companies, that that statute imputes to the owner of a motor vehicle liability for death or injury to persons or property resulting from negligence in the use or operation of the vehicle by any person using the vehicle with the owner's express or implied permission.

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

13 minute read

March 09, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Law

Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, partners at Shayne, Dachs, Corker, Sauer & Dachs, write that the Court of Appeals has recognized that "drawing the line between a lack of coverage in the first instance (requiring no disclaimer) and a lack of coverage based on an exclusion (requiring timely disclaimer) has at times proved problematic."

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

16 minute read

January 13, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Law

Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs of Shayne, Dachs, Corker, Sauer & Dachs write that it is not necessary first to exhaust the full $50,000 "basic economic loss" coverage before proceeding with an action or arbitration to recover lost earnings over and above "basic economic loss."

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

11 minute read

May 12, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Law

Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, partners with Shayne, Dachs, Corker, Sauer & Dachs, write: Recent developments in the area of same-sex marriage strongly suggest that a national trend is developing pursuant to which same-sex spouses will be able to assert rights under various types of insurance policies. In the aftermath of the Martinez decision, insurance company claims personnel and coverage counsel will be well advised to keep up with the latest news regarding the status of same-sex marriages throughout the country, with an eye on future developments in the New York Legislature, which may legalize and authorize such marriages in this state as well. Given the current political climate, important coverage determinations may be subject to change on a day-to-day basis.

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

20 minute read

January 12, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Law

Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, partners at Shayne, Dachs, Corker, Sauer & Dachs, review the State of New York Insurance Department's "Annual Ranking of Automobile Insurance Complaints," along with an interesting and significant decision on the issue of proof of damages in cases involving the No-Fault "serious injury" threshold.

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

7 minute read

July 13, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Proposed Amendments To the No-Fault Law, Take 2

In their Insurance Law column, Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs, partners at Shayne, Dachs, Corker, Sauer & Dachs, review revisisions ot six substantive sections, which are wide-ranging and varied, covering amendments to several different sections of the Insurance Law, and aimed predominantly, albeit not exclusively, at combating fraud associated with the no-fault system.

By Norman H. Dachs and Jonathan A. Dachs

15 minute read