Jonathan Ringel

Jonathan Ringel

Jonathan Ringel is managing editor of the Daily Report, the ALM newspaper in Atlanta. He can be reached at [email protected]. Twitter: @jonathanringel

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August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Distinguished Leader: Lori Cohen

You should have your initial strategy but be willing to shift as needed and as facts—good and bad—come forth that may impact your initial assessment and strategy.

By Jonathan Ringel

5 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Best Mentors: Tomieka Daniel

My goal has been to help those who come after me to avoid some of the pitfalls that I have encountered.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Most Innovative Law Firm: Eversheds Sutherland

In reviewing our own program, we took a critical look at the support structure we have in place for incoming laterals, as well as how we communicate our offering to them.

By Jonathan Ringel

3 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

On the Rise: Jeffrey Fisher

Making sure my clients understand the litigation process and the strengths and weaknesses of their case is nearly as important as excellent advocacy.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

On the Rise: Austin Bersinger

I like the showmanship and the theater of the courtroom, love the deep dive on new subject matter we get to engage in during litigation and I love that my job is far from monotonous.

By Jonathan Ringel

3 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

On the Rise: Tiffany Mallory Moore

My immediate goal is always to add value.

By Jonathan Ringel

3 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Most Effective Deal-Maker: Mick Cochran

One lesson that comes out of the current COVID crisis is that there is a clear time value to doing transactions.

By Jonathan Ringel

4 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

In-House Legal Department of the Year: Pindrop Security

The architecture of Pindrop's legal team must be as flexible and innovative as its business in order to appropriately service Pindrop's strategy, growth, and customer needs in the context of constantly evolving global law and regulation.

By Jonathan Ringel

4 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Lifetime Achiever: Judge Adele Grubbs

My dad, Victor Lewis, was my guiding light. He believed that I could do anything I wanted to.

By Jonathan Ringel

5 minute read

August 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

On the Rise: Allison Ng

The practice of law challenges me to think outside the box and further hone my critical and strategic thinking skills.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read