Jonathan Ringel

Jonathan Ringel

Jonathan Ringel is managing editor of the Daily Report, the ALM newspaper in Atlanta. He can be reached at [email protected]. Twitter: @jonathanringel

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April 28, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Legal Community Closes in on Last Year's Total, but 2020 Is Different

The unprecedented haul illustrates the unprecedented needs of the food banks, which have reported distributing 40% more food than usual as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced more than one million Georgians out of work.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read

April 27, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Legal Food Frenzy Churns as Economic Woes Continue

"The need is greater than ever," said state Attorney General Chris Carr.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read

April 27, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Trial by Zoom: We Have Begun a New Era

Making objections was much easier and more dignified. The students raised "Objection Paddles" to the screen. Much more polite than yelling "objection!" I imagine there will soon be a litigation package for Zoom where you press "O" for the word "OBJECTION" to flash upon the screen.

By Randy Kessler

5 minute read

April 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Food Frenzy Goals Point to More Work in Final Week

Food banks can turn a $10 donation into $80 worth of food.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read

April 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Special Masters Can Help Overloaded Courts Amid COVID-19

Courts and lawyers must adopt creative approaches to ensure civil dockets do not get neglected and parties secure timely access to justice. Therefore, it is especially worth noting that special masters are well situated to assist courts and litigants as they confront these challenges.

By Carlos González

5 minute read

April 24, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Addressing COVID-19's Impact on Civil Legal Services

The indefinite delay of most in-person court sessions is a necessary action ... [b]ut it also substantially delays the delivery of justice, especially the civil legal needs of low-income Georgians and others suffering the economic fallout of COVID-19.

By Darrell Sutton, Rick Rufolo, Steve Gottlieb and Paul Painter III

4 minute read

April 23, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Alston & Bird Makes a Big Move in Food Frenzy

Overall, the legal community has raised $268,219 for food banks around the state, which face unprecedented demand in light of job losses from the economic shutdown to slow the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read

April 22, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Opening Business During 'Act of God' Could Block Its Protection

So long as a business is closed, they have leverage to work out solutions with lenders and landlords alike.

By Nancy C. Prager

4 minute read

April 22, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Georgia Tech Still Leads, but Firms Have Big Goals to Close the Gap

Georgia Tech and Imerys' appearances in the top 10 point to a push by Attorney General Chris Carr to encourage more participation by the state's corporate counsel bar.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read

April 21, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Georgia Tech's GC Office Maintains Lead in Food Frenzy

Teams are fighting for every single dollar, which food banks can turn into four meals.

By Jonathan Ringel

2 minute read