Jonathan Ringel

Jonathan Ringel

Jonathan Ringel is managing editor of the Daily Report, the ALM newspaper in Atlanta. He can be reached at [email protected]. Twitter: @jonathanringel

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March 15, 2021 | Daily Report Online

'No Comment': Tips for Talking to the Media

While the public may have a right to know, and a client may have a right to address public concern, lawyers can find themselves in trouble for going too far.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna Clair

5 minute read

March 12, 2021 | Daily Report Online

What You're Really Thinking in That Zoom Meeting

Participants will react in stunned silence, wondering, "Should I say what I am thinking?"

By Cary Ichter

2 minute read

March 11, 2021 | Daily Report Online

What You Can Expect From SEC Enforcement Under the Biden Administration

While there are some areas of securities enforcement that are likely to remain steady in the transition from the Trump administration to the Biden administration, some areas of enforcement are likely to see an uptick in enforcement actions.

By Andrew Mason

6 minute read

March 10, 2021 | Daily Report Online

2021 Trends Shaping Legal Staffing Strategies

Increasing pressure to identify cost-saving opportunities have legal leaders looking closely at their workloads to determine which routine projects might be lifted from their in-house lawyers so they can focus on more complex work.

By Leslie A. Firtell

5 minute read

March 10, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Southeast Takeaways: How Atlanta Remains an Opportunistic (and Competitive) Market for Law Firms

In this first installment of Southeast Takeaways, we look at the well-established but still very dynamic legal market that is Atlanta.

By Jonathan Ringel

8 minute read

March 09, 2021 | Daily Report Online

TikTok & Ephemeral Messaging & Links to Documents—Oh My!

You might not realize it, but ephemeral messaging has been around for some time (think self-destructing messages in "Mission Impossible").

By Todd Heffner

5 minute read

March 08, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Georgia's Murder Laws Are a Mess

As if all this weren't bad enough, the sole exception we make to this broad rule, under which intent is never required to prove a murder, is almost exclusively for men who murder their wives and girlfriends out of sexual jealousy.

By Andrew Fleischman

4 minute read

March 04, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Thinking of a 'Hoteling' Law Office? This GC Was Hesitant But Now Endorses It

Tye Darland, the senior vice president and general counsel at Georgia-Pacific, said several law firm leaders have asked him about the arrangement by which almost no one has a permanent office.

By Jonathan Ringel

4 minute read

March 01, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Can Lawyers Get In Trouble With the Bar For What They Do in Their Private Lives?

"Lawyers who choose to post on social media must realize they are handling live ammunition; doing so requires care and judgment," judges in Tennessee wrote in a case about a lawyer who suggested on Facebook that a friend kill her ex-boyfriend.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna Clair

6 minute read

February 25, 2021 | Daily Report Online

JNC Trims Fulton Judge Candidates to 19

The selected applicants include nine judges from Fulton County State Court, Fulton Magistrate Court, Juvenile Court or Atlanta Municipal Court; eight lawyers in private practice; one federal prosecutor and one member of the state Public Service Commission.

By Jonathan Ringel

3 minute read