Joshua Gold

Joshua Gold

October 01, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Cyber Insurance Coverage for Breach of Privacy Claims: The Law Is Evolving

In recent years, case law has evolved on the often-contested question of whether theft or accidental exposure of personal information constitutes a covered violation of privacy under CGL policies. This article reviews three influential decisions handed down between 2014 and 2021 that tackled this issue.

By Joshua Gold and Dennis Nolan

8 minute read

August 02, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center

Will Your CGL Policy Provide Coverage in Cyber Data Theft Claim?

This case underscores that insurance coverage for cyber claims can come under different insurance products.

By Joshua Gold

6 minute read

October 02, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Crime Insurance Failing To Keep Up With Cyber Criminal Innovation

Almost all modern commercial crime policies contain in the body of the form an express promise of insurance coverage for losses directly resulting from "computer fraud." Unfortunately, many crime insurance companies fight computer fraud insurance claims regularly.

By Joshua Gold

6 minute read

May 29, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Deploying D&O and Cyber Insurance Coverage Against COVID-19 Claims

Pandemic-fueled litigation will test the reliability of the insurance coverage many organizations have purchased.

By Joshua Gold 

9 minute read

February 09, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Who's Qualified to Arbitrate Your Insurance Dispute?

A recent English decision, 'Allianz Insurance PLC v. Sirius International Insurance Corporation', illustrates how tricky qualification provisions can be and the importance of having such provisions drafted in a clear and unambiguous fashion.

By Joshua Gold and Peter A. Halprin

6 minute read

March 06, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Insurance Challenges Ahead as Cyber Perils Shift

Joshua Gold of Anderson Kill P.C. writes: The landscape of insurance coverage for technology risk alters as fast as the risk itself—that is, constantly and dramatically. Today's conventional wisdom can become obsolete in a heartbeat. Sound risk management will continue to require close monitoring of the situation, smart decision making and adaptability.

By Joshua Gold

16 minute read

October 25, 2016 | FC&S Insurance

Theft and Severe Weather: a Storm for Marine Cargo Insurance

In recent years thieves have become uncannily adept at using technology as a means to steal—whether it’s money, private information, or proprietary…

By Joshua Gold and Carrie Maylor DiCanio

8 minute read

October 24, 2016 | New York Law Journal

Theft and Severe Weather: a Storm for Marine Cargo Insurance

Joshua Gold and Carrie Maylor DiCanio of Anderson Kill write that weather and heists accomplished via technology have added to shipping risk, and that these fast-evolving perils may have serious implications for whether a policyholder and other stakeholders have cargo insurance protection. Some cargo insurance companies are adding cyber exclusions and/or weather exclusions (or warranties) to their policies.

By Joshua Gold and Carrie Maylor DiCanio

17 minute read

September 21, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Big Enough for Your Breaches?

Joshua Gold of Anderson Kill writes: It is increasingly clear that liability for the theft of third-party data is not the only cyber peril to be concerned about. The risk of hackers targeting a company's core assets to inflict harm or damage to its ability to operate is very real. Policyholders are wise to conduct an insurance and risk management check-up that extends beyond safeguarding employee health data and customer account data.

By Joshua Gold

13 minute read

September 18, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Big Enough for Your Breaches?

Joshua Gold of Anderson Kill writes: It is increasingly clear that liability for the theft of third-party data is not the only cyber peril to be concerned about. The risk of hackers targeting a company's core assets to inflict harm or damage to its ability to operate is very real. Policyholders are wise to conduct an insurance and risk management check-up that extends beyond safeguarding employee health data and customer account data.

By Joshua Gold

13 minute read