January 16, 2019 | The Recorder
What's Up With the 'VP of Legal' Title?Julie Q. Brush, author of The Lawyer Whisperer blog, takes a look at the reporting lines and salary range for the in-house legal title that's something of a 'GC light' position.
By Julie Q. Brush
4 minute read
December 27, 2018 | The Recorder
Actions Speak Louder Than WordsA common message I impart in my articles, my presentations and my advice to professionals and students is that words matter. What you say … and…
By Julie Q. Brush
6 minute read
November 25, 2018 | The Recorder
How to Negotiate the Offer You WantThe road to the offer stage in an interview process is usually a long and winding one with a few bumps along the way.
By Julie Q. Brush
5 minute read
October 15, 2018 | The Recorder
LinkedIn Profiles vs. Resumes: Should I Put in the Same Info or Mix It Up?How do employers perceive LinkedIn profiles vs. resumes? What are the differences and should they contain the same or different information?
By Julie Q. Brush
7 minute read
October 08, 2018 | The Recorder
Help! I Hate My Big Law Gig But Have to Stick It Out for a YearI just joined Big Law from a small firm and hate it (no mentoring and cutthroat) but I need to stick it out for at least a year. How do I survive?
By Julie Q. Brush
7 minute read
September 11, 2018 | The Recorder
Unemployed and Panicked: What Should You Do?A state of panic is unproductive and only bad decisions stem from it, like “taking any job.” So you'll need to apply logic rather than fear in this next leg of your job search.
By Julie Q. Brush
5 minute read
September 05, 2018 | The Recorder
Should I Quit My Job and Move to Focus on Going In-House in Silicon Valley?The decision to quit a job and move to a foreign land to find career success takes courage in light of some obvious risks. But these risks are mitigated by a thriving Bay Area legal market and many employers who will appreciate your reasons for such a move.
By Julie Q. Brush
4 minute read
August 22, 2018 | The Recorder
Will My Lack of Law Firm Experience Come Back to Haunt Me?In today's legal environment, starting your legal career as an in-house lawyer as opposed to law firm associate is not the kiss of death that it might have been in years past.
By Julie Q. Brush
4 minute read
July 19, 2018 | The Recorder
How to De-Escalate an Email WarEmail is a wondrous thing. But sometimes it's the least effective way to communicate. So with each encounter, use your judgment to determine whether it's best to type or talk.
By Julie Q. Brush
2 minute read
July 09, 2018 | The Recorder
That Much, Huh?: The Right Way to Answer Questions About Your Compensation ExpectationsWhen asked to declare salary expectations, it can be challenging to manage the conversation to an optimal outcome. Understanding the context of the situation as well as your feelings will provide a solid starting point to address your questions in this dynamic when it arises.
By Julie Q. Brush
3 minute read
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