Justin T Kelton

Justin T Kelton

June 12, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Q&A: The Application of Delaware Law in New York Courts

Justin T. Kelton is a partner at Abrams Fensterman in New York, focusing on commercial litigation. He frequently represents clients in business disputes requiring application of Delaware law by New York courts.

By Justin T. Kelton

5 minute read

February 22, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Taylor Swift Defeats Broker's 'Wildest Dreams' in $1 Million Commission Dispute

Judge Furman's decision in 'Douglas Elliman v. Firefly Entertainment' affirms the longstanding rule in New York that a broker seeking commission in connection with a sale of real estate must prove that it was the “procuring cause” of the transaction.

By Justin T. Kelton

5 minute read

January 30, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Equitable Defenses Fall Within Narrow Scope of Section 225 Actions and Must Be Considered

The Delaware Court of Chancery in Brown v. Kellar, recently issued a decision clarifying the scope of actions under 8 Del. C. Section 225, which provides a procedure to determine issues that pertain to actions to elect or remove a director or officer.

By Justin T. Kelton

4 minute read

January 31, 2018 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Plaintiff Who Obtains a Corporate Benefit May Not Target a Stockholder to Pay a Fee Award

In a recent decision, Judge Andre G. Bouchard of the Delaware Court of Chancery addressed the question of whether a plaintiff who obtains a corporate benefit through litigation may target a particular stockholder to pay a common fund fee award.

By Justin T. Kelton

4 minute read