Karen Sloan

Karen Sloan

Karen Sloan is the Legal Education Editor and Senior Writer at ALM. Contact her at [email protected]. On Twitter: @KarenSloanNLJ Sign up for Ahead of the Curve—her weekly email update on trends and innovation in legal education—here: https://www.law.com/briefings/ahead-of-the-curve/

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February 29, 2016 |

Law Student Debt and Stress Levels on the Rise, Survey Finds

A full 44 percent of law students expect to graduate owing more than $100,000 in student loans, according to a new survey of nearly 22,000 students. Fully 67 percent of those hefty borrowers anticipate they will leave law school with more than $120,000 in debt—up from 63 percent in 2011.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

February 24, 2016 |

Michigan State University College of Law Names Ponoroff Next Dean

Lawrence Ponoroff will be the next dean of Michigan State University College of Law, university officials announced Tuesday after the board of trustees unanimously approved the appointment. Ponoroff, who teaches commercial law at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, served as that school's dean from 2009 to 2012.

By Karen Sloan

3 minute read

February 19, 2016 |

Non-Ivy League Law Schools Hope for First SCOTUS Alum

Graduates of Harvard Law School and Yale Law School have dominated the court for the past two decades, and each sitting justice attended one of those schools. (Ruth Bader Ginsburg graduated from Columbia Law School after transferring from Harvard.) But about half of the potential nominees now garnering attention would break out of the Harvard and Yale mold.

By Karen Sloan

6 minute read

February 11, 2016 |

Law School Celebrates New Digs with Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Students at American University Washington College of Law returned from winter break last month to a new campus, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will formally welcome them Friday.

By Karen Sloan

2 minute read

February 10, 2016 |

Arizona College of Law Will Accept GRE Instead of LSAT

No LSAT score? No problem—at least at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. The law school in Tucson will become the first to accept applications from prospective students who have taken the GRE General Test instead of the LSAT, administrators announced Wednesday.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

February 09, 2016 |

Nationalized Bar Exam Endorsed by ABA

Bar admission authorities across the nation should move quickly to adopt the uniform bar exam, the American Bar Association's House of Delegates decided Monday.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

February 08, 2016 |

Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky

Like the relief pitcher brought in to replace a struggling hurler, Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky is often tapped by clients when their matters aren't going well or when time is running short — sometimes both.

By Karen Sloan

3 minute read

February 05, 2016 |

Drinking Is a Problem for 1 in 3 Lawyers, Study Finds

More than a third of practicing attorneys in the United States are problem drinkers and 28 percent struggle with depression, according to a new study.

By Karen Sloan

5 minute read

February 04, 2016 |

DePaul Law Students Dump Trump (Tower)

Like the Iowans who caucused earlier this week, students at DePaul University College of Law have rejected Trump—Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, that is. The law school decided to move its annual Barrister's Ball from the Donald Trump-affiliated hotel and condominium building to another venue after students protested.

By Karen Sloan

2 minute read

February 04, 2016 |

Education Law Expert Tapped As University of Houston Interim President

Officials at the University of Houston have tapped Michael Olivas, a prominent expert on education and immigration law, as the interim president of the university's downtown campus. Olivas, a former president of the Association of American Law Schools, has taught at the University of Houston Law Center since 1982.

By Karen Sloan

2 minute read