Keith Letourneau

Keith Letourneau

September 06, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Maritime Law Column: When Is a Contract Maritime and Why Is That Important?

"Whether a contract is maritime bears upon numerous substantive legal rights of the parties," writes Blank Rome's Keith Letourneau.

By Keith Letourneau

7 minute read

July 02, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Maritime Law Column: Hurricanes and Their Cost on the Maritime Industry

"As you might expect, hurricanes create delays in vessel movements and time is money. Who pays for the delays encountered?" writes columnist Keith Letourneau.

By Keith Letourneau

6 minute read

March 26, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Maritime Law Column: Texas Maritime Public Infrastructure Projects to Watch

"As is evident, there is a wealth of maritime infrastructure development occurring in Texas," writes columnist Keith Letourneau.

By Keith Letourneau

6 minute read

February 01, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Maritime Law Column: The Legacy of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990

"Oil spills in U.S. waters have decreased in both number and volume since OPA's enactment, though major incidents still occur from time to time," writes columnist Keith Letourneau.

By Keith Letourneau

7 minute read

January 04, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Maritime Law Column: A Tale of Two Canals

The simultaneous delays at the Suez and Panama Canals are unprecedented and assuredly will lead to higher transportation costs that will flow down to consumers.

By Keith Letourneau

5 minute read

November 27, 2023 | Texas Lawyer

Maritime Law Column: Implications of the EU's Emissions Trading System, Fuel EU Maritime Regulation

On Jan. 1, 2024, a large segment of commercial merchant vessels will be subject to an emissions-cap-and-trade system.

By Keith Letourneau

5 minute read

July 12, 2023 | Texas Lawyer

Maritime Transportation: Whose Responsibility Is It When Produce Arrives in Damaged Condition?

Perishable fruit sellers face a conundrum when confronted with transit delays where the cargo has not suffered physical damage, but its value deteriorates with the passage of time.

By Keith Letourneau

6 minute read

May 08, 2023 | Texas Lawyer

Big Changes, Challenges Will Affect Maritime Supply Chain

EEXI standards will slow voyages because slower speeds reduce emissions. This will result in supply-chain delays and longer lead times for the manufacture of goods comprised of parts from around the globe.

By Keith Letourneau

6 minute read

April 13, 2023 | Texas Lawyer

Incoterms, and the Transfer of Risk and Title in Sale of Goods Transactions

Parties should be aware of the risks associated with both a contract title clause and a negotiable bill of lading.

By Keith Letourneau

6 minute read

October 11, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Marine Casualty Reporting

On the water, things go bump in the night ... and day, in fog and heavy weather; mostly ships, but also boats of all kinds and the people aboard them.

By Keith Letourneau

5 minute read