Kenneth Artz

Kenneth Artz

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February 17, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

'Hola, Amigo!' Mexican Businesses Are Increasingly Looking For Texas Lawyers—Here's How to Approach New Clients From South of the Border

'Our biggest source of referrals among Mexican nationals are other Mexican nationals or attorneys in Mexico who have been pleased with our work," San Antonio business attorney Sarah P. Santos said.

By Kenneth Artz

5 minute read

February 16, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Persons Who are Deaf-Blind Need a Seat at the Legal Table

"After centuries of neglect, the voices of the deaf-blind population need to be heard. Society in general, and the legal profession in particular, must be committed to empowering persons who are deaf-blind," say attorneys Daniel Pollack and Elisa Reitter.

By Daniel Pollack and Elisa Reiter

10 minute read

February 11, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Acquiring and Defending Carbon Storage Rights

As interest in Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) increases, companies should prepare to take the appropriate legal steps to acquire storage rights through easements, surface use agreements, or otherwise; apply for permits; and trouble shoot NGO opposition.

By Marcella Burke, Granta Nakayama, Michael R. Leslie, and Elizabeth Holden

7 minute read

February 11, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

The Negative Impact Supreme Court Justice Breyer Has Had on Criminal Law: A Q&A With Trial Lawyer Kevin J. O'Brien

'Ultimately, the Sentencing Guidelines were his brainchild, and these were a horrible innovation,' says Kevin J. O'Brien, a former U.S. Attorney for the Department of Justice

By Kenneth Artz

4 minute read

February 10, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

HIPAA and the Confidentiality of Records and Documents: A Q&A With Danielle Butler, Director of Marketing for The Records Company

"Clients, patients, and companies alike expect their personal information to be protected and professionals have a duty to maintain that standard."--Danielle Butler, Director of Marketing for The Records Company.

By Kenneth Artz

9 minute read

February 10, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Texas Takeaways: Sidley's Dallas Leaders on Why This Will Be a Great Year for New Hires and Young Associates

'You have to recruit your existing associates just as much, if not more, than you recruit new talent,' say Angela Zambrano and Scott Parel, co-leaders of Sidley Austin's Dallas offices.

By Kenneth Artz

6 minute read

February 09, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Trade Secrets in Texas: What Qualifies for Protection?

"... Texas courts have consistently found that certain efforts by businesses are sufficient to establish trade secret protection under Texas law."

By Laurel L. Baker

3 minute read

February 08, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

How Do the Rules of Evidence Treat a Custody Evaluation Report?

If you want judicial notice to be taken, do not count on luck. Make the request on the record.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

12 minute read

February 08, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Intent Is Key in the Legal Definition of 'Abandonment'

Establishing clear and convincing evidence that a parent has been neglectful—leaving the children in potentially dangerous circumstances—could be a ground for termination regardless of whether or not physical abuse occurred. There is not necessarily a requirement to show that a child suffered actual injury.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

6 minute read

February 08, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

How Max Overcame Low Self-Esteem and Found Harmony in the Often Rancorous World of Divorce Mediation

'It means the world to me. I am a huge animal lover. I always have been. My first job was at the local pet store when I was 12 years old. I have 2500 gallons of fish tanks at my home. I love animals.'--Dustin McCrary, a family law attorney from North Carolina

By Kenneth Artz

4 minute read