June 15, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Insurers Can Sue Attorneys for Malpractice Under Subrogation ProvisionIn a case that had been pending before it for almost two years, the Florida Supreme Court has ruled that a professional liability insurer could bring a malpractice claim against appointed defense counsel based on a subrogation claim in its policy.
By Kenneth Artz
4 minute read
June 13, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Ethical Child Custody Evaluations: The Good, The Bad and The UglyIn a divorce there may be a child custody dispute, but whatever objections may arise, hopefully, there should be no question concerning the evaluator's ethics or objectivity.
By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack
6 minute read
June 11, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
The Dog Days of Returning to the OfficeIt looks like the good times are coming to an end for all those canines whose owners began working from home during lockdown. Judges, attorneys, and law firm support staff are now returning to their courtrooms and offices, so for many of our four-legged friends, it means readjusting to their old routines--the way it was before lockdowns (lots and lots of sleeping during the day, interrupted by short intervals of barking at Amazon delivery drivers or watching Animal Planet).
By Kenneth Artz
1 minute read
June 10, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
We're in This Together: How Your Outside Counsel Can Support Your DE&I EffortsKnowing that clients place a premium on DE&I can move firm management to support lawyer-driven firm DE&I initiatives and increase buy-in from lawyers across the firm.
By Sona Pancholy
6 minute read
June 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
A Q&A With Michael J. Saks and Stephan Landsman, the Authors of 'Closing Death's Door: Legal Innovations to End the Epidemic of Healthcare Harm'There are ways to improve patient safety and reduce iatrogenic injury, a problem that neither the health care industry, nor the legal one, has made effective progress in solving.
By Kenneth Artz
11 minute read
June 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
How to Win the Battle for Talent in Texas' White Hot Legal Job MarketWhen it comes to hiring the legal talent they desire, firms need to do the best they can to get in a position to pay market compensation and build around their core, higher-rate practices.
By Kenneth Artz and Mark Moore
4 minute read
June 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Will the Real Expert Please Take the Stand?Experts come in all shapes and sizes, so try your case with what you have. To preserve error, object.
By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack
5 minute read
June 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Be Civil or it May Cost You Money and Your ReputationIt would appear that, for now, in Texas we must rely upon the integrity of lawyers to conduct themselves civilly and, if they so choose, adhere to the Texas Lawyers' Creed.
By John G. Browning and Douglas S. Lang
15 minute read
June 08, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
E-Discovery in a Post-COVID WorldWhen it comes to e-discovery, savvy litigants and litigators who take the time to proactively tweak their practices now will be well-positioned for effective advocacy (and intact litigation budgets) in a post-COVID world.
By Kim Beight Kelly
3 minute read
June 08, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Gov. Greg Abbott's Cruise ConundrumFor a state government to tell any cruise line how it should operate is going to be quite a challenge in 2021, especially for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
By Aron Solomon
7 minute read