Kenneth Artz

Kenneth Artz

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February 11, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Congressional and Government Investigations in 2021: What to Expect from the Biden-Harris Administration and How to Prepare

Companies concerned about potential legislative, criminal or regulatory investigations need not wait until they receive a subpoena or request for information to actively prepare for the possibility of an inquiry.

By Katherine Danial, Nicole Steinberg, Elizabeth Vella Moeller, David Oliwenstein, Craig Saperstein

8 minute read

February 10, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Soccer Led to the Goal of a Legal Career for Benny Agosto Jr.

Benny Agosto Jr., a partner at the Houston personal injury law firm of Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner, and a former president of the Houston Bar Association, was inducted into the Puerto Rico Soccer Hall of Fame as a member of the Class of 2020.

By Kenneth Artz

6 minute read

February 10, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Religious Divorce in the Context of Civil Law

Divorces can be unpredictable, messy and confounding for family law attorneys; moreover, some clients may also need a religious divorce. For such clients, in order to marry again within their house of worship, they may need to obtain a religious divorce document.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

14 minute read

February 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Hindsight Bias in the Context of Child Protection Services

 There is a well-known psychological phenomenon known as hindsight bias, "the recognized tendency for individuals to overestimate or exaggerate…

By Elisa Reiter & Daniel Pollack

6 minute read

February 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Important Considerations for Employees Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines

Employers must certainly be mindful as to potential claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, or religious discrimination claims under Title VII when it comes to requiring a COVID-19 vaccination, say Pamela Williams and Lariza Hebert, attorneys at Fisher Phillips' Houston office.

By Pamela Williams and Lariza Hebert

8 minute read

February 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Observations on the Waco Division's Growing Prominence

Since U.S. District Judge Alan Albright took the bench, patent holders have flocked to file their cases in the Waco Division of the Western District of Texas.

By Danielle Williams and Tom Melsheimer

6 minute read

February 08, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

From COVID-19 Relief to Paid Leave, Biden Administration Changes to Labor and Employment Law Could Go Further Than First Expected

Given President Joe Biden's razor-thin margin in the Senate and the likely continued operation of the Senate cloture rule, Washington insiders predict the administration will focus, at least legislatively, on relatively moderate objectives that avoid significant risk of filibuster.

By Mike Muskat and Corey Devine

7 minute read

February 05, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Out of Mud, Lotus Blossoms Grow: Virtual Voir Dire Is Not So Bad

During the era of COVID-19, trial lawyers and jury consultants who are accustomed to gathering pretrial intelligence at live mock trials are less able to recruit and assemble mock jurors for such exercises. But there is another viable option: virtual mock trials.

By Aimee Fagan and Lara Dolnik

5 minute read

February 05, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

More Criminal Masterminds at Work

Crime doesn't pay, but those trying to commit them are sometimes good for a few laughs, says John G. Browning, a former justice on the Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

February 04, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

My Daughter's Spouse is an Abuser. What are my Legal Options?

 Ask any parent how much they should intervene in their adult children's lives and the answer will be a definitive, "Only as much as they want."…

By Daniel Pollack & Bari Z. Weinberger

4 minute read