Kenneth Artz

Kenneth Artz

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April 14, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Green Cards for Professional Employees: Competing Proposals for Reform in Congress

U.S. business immigration law is full of complex and outdated provisions, which affect American businesses and their foreign employees on a daily basis.…

By Maka Hutson and Michelle Reed

6 minute read

April 13, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Layoffs and Unemployment Basics During the Coronavirus Pandemic

During this time of grave uncertainty, it is critical for lawyers to play their "counselor" role. We must help our clients navigate these complex employment issues, while keeping the client's long-term business in mind.

By Alana K. Ackels

6 minute read

April 13, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Successful Separation Requires Structure

The economic realities of most law firms and corporate clients means that the litigators that adapt and adopt a standard litigation architecture will be the ones that avoid the fumbling and bumbling of their cases for which tolerance is fading fast.

By Jaron Luttich

5 minute read

April 13, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Book Review: 'Chess and the Law: An Anthology of Anecdotes and Analogies'

Andrew J. Field's book about the intersection of chess and American law is a treat for chess fans and members of the legal set.

By Kenneth Artz

5 minute read

April 10, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

And Now for Something Completely Different…

Now, more than ever, we need a little humor. Fortunately, there's enough weirdness in the legal system to provide plenty of material.

By John G. Browning

4 minute read

April 10, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Three Stories to Ponder During Shelter-in-Place Order

I'm entering week three of sheltering-in-place and thinking about the stories of James Stockdale in a POW camp in North Vietnam; concentration camp survivor Viktor Frankel; and Dante's "The Inferno."

By Michael Maslanka

3 minute read

April 09, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Navigating Governmental Stay-at-Home Orders in Connection With Construction of Energy Projects

Though the DHS guidelines are just that—nonbinding guidelines for states to consider—they have impacted many states' stay‑at‑home orders and are of significant value to project owners in responding to such orders.

By Scott Greer and Kaleb Walker

5 minute read

April 07, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Liability in the Age of COVID-19

During a chat with Texas Lawyer, Dallas attorney Kay Van Wey discussed why the COVID-19 pandemic is like the Ebola outbreak of 2014, and who should be held responsible for losses sustained during the current crisis.

By Kenneth Artz

7 minute read

April 07, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Coronavirus Gives Telemedicine a Boost: What Health Care Leaders Need to Know

The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is increasing the use of telemedicine across the country and in Texas. Telemedicine provides a way for patients…

By Virginia Alverson Mimmack

5 minute read

April 06, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Law in the Time of Coronavirus

Law and literature both grow out of the impulse to mythologize and ritualize, which is to say they share common roots, so there's no better time to explore that connection than in the midst of the current pandemic, writes Randy D. Gordon of Barnes & Thornburg.

By Randy D. Gordon

6 minute read