Kenneth Artz

Kenneth Artz

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February 13, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Who's the 'Ideal' Juror? Often, It Comes Down to Finding the 'Least Bad' One

Remember the college admissions scandal with the Hollywood elite? The writers of "Bull" used it as fodder for this week's episode, "Quid Pro…

By Kacy Miller

8 minute read

February 12, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Is Big Always Bad? 2 Perspectives

Randy Gordon writes that we have entered a second Gilded Age and as such, we require a second iteration of trust busters. He argues that there are two schools of antitrust thought that have developed in the age of Google, Facebook and Amazon: the New Brandeis (also known as Hipster Antitrust) movement and proponents of the economics-influenced status quo.

By Randy Gordon

5 minute read

February 10, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Q&A With Christina Wu, Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Law Review

Christina Wu is the first woman in her family to go to college. She's also part of a rare group of female law students sitting in the top position as editor-in-chief at the top 16 law schools in the country, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report.

By Kenneth Artz

9 minute read

February 07, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Baby Daddy Biden — Financial and Legal Implications of Fatherhood in Texas

If you father a child in Texas, do you have to pay retroactive child support and attorney fees? Do you have to turn over your financial information? The strange case of Hunter Biden's paternity case may create a precedent for the Lone Star State.

By Sally Pretorius

5 minute read

February 05, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Some Creative Defenses

I once heard a veteran criminal defense lawyer say the defensive theories that could be used were limited only by the imagination of the defense attorney…

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

January 27, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

What It's Like to Try Your First Personal Injury Case

With the right amount of preparation, knowledge and understanding, you can take a lot of the scare, terror and fear out of trying your first case.

By Patrick Daniel

6 minute read

January 27, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Up the Learning Curve: Tips for New Energy Transactional Lawyers

Each year, many newly minted Texas lawyers start their legal careers as energy transactional attorneys. Like most new lawyers, they face a steep learning curve…

By Tommer Yoked, Atman Shukla and Katy Lukaszewski

6 minute read

January 27, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Going to Trial Is Always a Gamble, Even for "Bull"

In this week's episode, "Behind the Ivy," 16-year-old Antonio Garcia is worried about "making weight" for his wrestling competition. He's…

By Kacy Miller

7 minute read

January 24, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Instant Messaging

Those who represent the victims of dangerous drugs and products should have nothing to apologize for when a large verdict is rendered. Our system of laws and trial by jury is there to deliver justice, to protect and to punish, based solely on the evidence.

By Mark Lanier

4 minute read

January 23, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Grief, Depression, and a Life Cut Short

Therapist James Dolan says that if you are troubled and honestly ask for help, you have initiated the process of healing and seeing things a different way.

By James H Dolan

6 minute read