Kenneth Artz

Kenneth Artz

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December 10, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Business Issues in a Divorce and the Myth of Receiverships

Texas is the number one state in the nation to start a business in, according to a recent study by WalletHub. This is great news for entrepreneurs…

By Carson Epes Steinbauer, Worthy Walker, and David Elrod

7 minute read

December 01, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Hey Alexa, Find Me A Lawyer

Google Assistant, Alexa and Cortana are just some of the voice assistants used in homes across the world today. This technology, combined with voice…

By Nicolette Daniel

4 minute read

November 26, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Myths and Misconceptions of Property Division During a Divorce in Texas

Myths and Misconceptions of Property Division During a Divorce in Texas It is widely known Texas is a community property state, however, far fewer…

By Holly Rampy Baird

5 minute read

November 26, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Was 'Bull' Fratricide a Tragic Accident or Intentional Murder?

This week's episode of "Bull" opens on the Crawford brothers, Charlie, 13, and Theo, 17, home alone one afternoon. Charlie persuades his older…

By Kacy Miller

8 minute read

November 22, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Cyber Resilience and the Importance of a Plan: How Law Firms Can Defend Against Cybersecurity Risks

World-famous boxer Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan 'til they get punched in the mouth." Those words of wisdom can pertain tobusiness,…

By Jeff Eckert & Steven N. Williams

9 minute read

November 22, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Information Overload in Family Practice: Problematic and Getting Worse

Once upon a time, when a divorce loomed, the means of obtaining proof a spouse was cheating were limited.  A suspicious wife or husband could hire…

By Susan Myres

5 minute read

November 21, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

From Liar to Lawyer: Transforming Personal Injury Law

Personal injury law is undergoing a branding revolution and if you're not ready for the change ahead you might be left behind. According to a recent…

By Nicolette Daniel

4 minute read

November 21, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Employment Law: Always Interesting Because It's Always Evolving

We finally saw two issues come to a crossroads at the United States Supreme Court in October, 2019: The first is whether sexual orientation is a protected classification under Title VII. The second is whether transgender status is similarly protected.

By Michael P. Maslanka

7 minute read

November 19, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

How Not to Get a Continuance

Did you ever wonder whatever happened to that kid in school  who had  every excuse in the book and they all made "the dog ate my homework" pale…

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

November 14, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Texas-Style Appeal for Litigation Finance – Monetizing Claims Even While Case Drags On

When it comes to commercial litigation, a trial victory -- to paraphrase Winston Churchill -- may not be the end or even the beginning of the end,…

By Laina Miller Hammond and April L. Farris

6 minute read