Kenneth Artz

Kenneth Artz

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March 18, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

How to Serve Process in a Guardianship Proceeding

"If you are going to complain about a defect in jurisdiction, do so early and properly. If there is a guardianship proceeding, read the rules, and take appropriate precautions regarding how you handle service of process," say family law attorneys Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

9 minute read

March 17, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Reducing Litigation Costs in Noncompete Litigation: Former Employer's Perspective (Part 1 of 2)

"Noncompete litigation quickly generates high economic and non-economic costs. In addition to attorney fees and costs preparing for the temporary injunction hearing, emergency requests to preserve and obtain electronic evidence are typical and create forensic expense," writes Gary Fowler, a JAMS neutral based in the JAMS Dallas Resolution Center.

By Gary Fowler

5 minute read

March 17, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Questionable Judgment by Child Residential Treatment Center Staff Can Constitute Child Abuse

"While we should expect staff to make occasional bad decisions, they can, even though well-intentioned, still be legally defined as 'child abuse,'" say two family law attorneys.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

11 minute read

March 17, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

'Never Become a Billable Hours Machine' and Other Guidance From a Texas Bar Honoree

'From the first day in my legal career, I've aspired to conduct myself like my greatest lawyer-heroes: Abraham Lincoln, Atticus Finch (who was modeled after Harper Lee's father), James A. Baker III, and Leon Jaworski... ' says Talmage Boston, a partner with Shackelford, Bowen, McKinley & Norton

By Kenneth Artz

5 minute read

March 17, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Four Must-Haves for a Lawyer's LinkedIn Profile

'With a strong LinkedIn profile, you have the foundation for an effective business development platform for your law practice,' says legal marketer, Meranda Vieyra.

By Meranda Vieyra

4 minute read

March 16, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Does Having Dementia Mean Your Loved One Is Incompetent?

"Sometimes children need not only to care for their parents, they also need to know when to take them to a doctor for a neurological assessment," say two family law attorneys.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

7 minute read

March 15, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

There is a Marital Property Legislative Gap That Needs Some Sealant

'Moody v. Moody raises a number of interesting issues, but most importantly, it reminds us that standing is the foundation of a justiciable claim. The case also reminds us that the Texas Family Code may have some gaps that could use a bit of filling,' say attorneys Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

9 minute read

March 15, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Anti-Blackness — A Cornerstone of US Immigration

"Ultimately, we as a people must unite as a nation with a common goal to advocate and create a system that fosters hope, fairness, tolerance, and justice for all immigrants regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, or particular social group," says Houston attorney Henry Ibe.

By Henry Ibe

8 minute read

March 11, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

COVID-19 at Two Years: What Have We Learned?

COVID introduced flexible scheduling that has given employees more control over their workday and, in turn, has led to happier employees, improved production, and increased retention, which, for many, is here to stay.

By Mike Muskat, Michelle Mahony, Corey Devine, Mariah Berry, and Nicole Su

9 minute read

March 11, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

'Build a Network': How Women Attorneys Are Finding Success in Litigation

'To succeed, first and foremost you have to do good work and remember that we are in a service industry. Be responsive to your clients and your colleagues,' says Houston-based Vinson & Elkins litigator Stephanie Noble.

By Kenneth Artz

4 minute read