Kenneth Artz

Kenneth Artz

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February 07, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Force Majeure in Gas Contracts: The Winter Storm?

"Texas case law counsels prudent parties to undertake a careful evaluation of the force majeure clauses in their contracts and the events cited to justify nonperformance," writes Luke J. Gilman, partner with Jackson Walker.

By Luke J. Gilman

7 minute read

February 07, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Did COVID-19 Improve Our Productivity? After Doing It For Almost Two Years, A Defense Of Remote Work

'Employers willing to accommodate and offer a hybrid work environment to their employees will have an edge in recruiting top young employees," said Stuart H. Clements, an attorney in the Houston office of Chamberlain Hrdlicka.

By Stuart H. Clements

5 minute read

February 07, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Travel to US by Land and Ferry: New Vaccination Requirements and Exceptions Announced

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented the administration's COVID-19 vaccination requirement at land and ferry ports-of-entry as of Jan. 22.

By Meredith Doll and Brandy N. Williams

3 minute read

February 03, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

How Worried Should New Parents Be About Baby Formula?

"We were all told, in every ad, every TV commercial, 'you can trust us and our products because we care about your baby as much as you do.' It's precisely this betrayal that is so difficult today for many families to process."

By Aron Solomon

5 minute read

February 03, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

How Partner and Leadership Compensation Formulation Have Changed During COVID-19

Ultimately, higher pay will come with higher, and possibly different types, of expectations. Firm leaders should be considering the new value talent can bring to the table--innovative legal approaches, use of technology for delivery and business generation, even recruiting more heavily from personal networks are all expectations that attorneys at every level should expect to come their way.

By Kenneth Artz

5 minute read

February 02, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Terminating Parental Rights: How Much Does a Child's Voice Matter?

In a 2019 article, the authors conclude that: "First, according to the 2016 estimate, 1 in 100 U.S. children will experience the termination of parental rights by age 18."

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

11 minute read

February 01, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Contemplating Divorce: Assessing Financial Fitness and Family Law Planning

Knowing where to locate and/or have copies of family documents is one of the most important steps for both clients who are happily married and those who are not. Whether deciding to move forward with a divorce or not, this step is imperative in all situations.

By Judy Barton

5 minute read

January 28, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Lawyering: There's More to It

President Kennedy knew what all effective trial lawyers know: be direct, be candid, ask for what you want. And do so in vivid specifics, not gauzy generalities.

By Michael P. Maslanka

7 minute read

January 28, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Accommodation Requests in the Age of COVID-19

"It is critical for employers to receive requests for accommodation, whether they are due to a medical condition or religious basis, and to consider them with an open mind."

By Shira R. Yoshor

6 minute read

January 28, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

Being Impactful and Remaining Engaged When You Work Remotely

'In order to continue getting great assignments, my advice is to remain on top of mind with your teammates, and so, if you are working remotely, try not to fall off the face of the earth and try very hard to stay fully engaged with your teams and the firm as much as possible if you're working remotely,'

By Kenneth Artz

4 minute read