February 22, 2008 | New Jersey Law Journal
Regulating Water WithdrawalsDesigned as a pollution control statute, the Clean Water Act gave scant attention to water withdrawals, largely leaving their regulation to the states. Nevertheless, water withdrawals may impact ecosystem health as seriously as discharges of pollutants.
By Kenneth J. Warren
11 minute read
October 21, 2004 | The Legal Intelligencer
Absolute Pollution Exclusion Not Always ClearFew disputes are more contentious than fights over insurance coverage. The competing perspectives of policyholders and insurers have produced particularly vigorous disputes in the area of environmental insurance coverage.
By Kenneth J. Warren
11 minute read
July 08, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer
Protecting Polar Bears Under the Endangered Species ActScientists have carefully documented the serious effects likely to result from global warming.
By Kenneth J. Warren
10 minute read
October 21, 2002 | New Jersey Law Journal
New Approaches Are Needed for Pollution ControlDespite the significant strides made in environmental protection over the past few decades in the United States, the regulatory approach taken has acknowledged drawbacks. The practice of controlling wastes at the end of the pipeline results in large quantities of wastes to dispose of, which gets expensive and usually leaves residual risks to human health and the environment. A more protective approach, if achievable, would be to prevent the creation of wastes in the first place.
By Kenneth J. Warren
8 minute read
March 18, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
Designing Municipal Sediment Credit System for Wissahickon CreekThe Wissahickon Creek is one of our region's treasured streams. Meandering from its headwaters in upper Montgomery County through Valley Green to its confluence with the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, the creek provides recreational, aesthetic and ecological benefits. Despite its charm, however, the creek faces several challenges.
By Kenneth J. Warren and Mindy Lemoine
9 minute read
January 17, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer
Pennsylvania Adopts Uniform Environmental Covenants ActOn Dec. 18, Gov. Edward G. Rendell signed the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act (UECA) into law in Pennsylvania. Effective 60 days after signing, UECA provides a legally valid and consistent method for creating and recording environmental covenants that impose activity and use limitations on real property.
By Kenneth J. Warren
9 minute read
March 20, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer
Some Pa. Municipalities Oppose Bay Tributary StrategyOn Feb. 28, 2008, more than 60 Pennsylvania municipalities and municipal authorities commenced an action in the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court attempting to bar the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) from implementing its Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy (CBTS).
By Kenneth J. Warren
9 minute read
January 21, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
The Philadelphia Association of Paralegals Calendar of Events for FebruaryClick the headline above to view February's Calendar of Events.
By Kenneth J. Warren
2 minute read
April 20, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer
Stormwater Management and Land Development PlanningManaging stormwater runoff is an essential component of any comprehensive water resources program. As land development alters the natural landscape and substitutes impervious surface, the increased quantity of stormwater adversely affects water quality in the receiving waterways, diminishes groundwater recharge and contributes to flooding.
By Kenneth J. Warren
9 minute read
January 21, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
EPA Bolsters Regulation of Storm Water Discharges During ConstructionOn Dec. 1, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published final regulations that impose new restrictions on how storm water must be managed during construction activities. The regulations for the first time establish a numeric effluent limitation for turbidity that developers disturbing 10 or more acres of land at one time must meet. The regulations also mandate monitoring of turbidity concentrations in stormwater runoff from construction activities and require implementation of various best management practices designed to reduce pollutant loadings.
By Kenneth J. Warren
9 minute read
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