Kenneth Jones Tanenbaum Keale

Kenneth Jones Tanenbaum Keale

March 10, 2023 | Legaltech News

Thoughts on the Legal Technology Implications of Dynamic Communication Practices

E-discovery is a prime example of an area where legal technology/operations is seeing the challenges pesented by legal professionals' level of familiarity with computing options, particularly those technologies that form the dynamic changes in how professionals communicate.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale LLP

7 minute read

October 18, 2022 | Legaltech News

Five Steps to Optimizing Legal Technology Spend

While the demands of recent years have inadvertently led to significant IT waste at many law firms, there are strategic steps IT managers can take to optimize technology spend and practices.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale LLP

7 minute read

January 20, 2022 | Legaltech News

Five 2022 Developmental Goals for Legal Technologists

Technology is kind of like investing: There's always something that seems incredibly hot but for every Tesla there was a corresponding Peloton. It's probably a good idea to mix your personal development plan up as much as it is to diversify your financial portfolio.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale

6 minute read

October 05, 2021 | Legaltech News

The 'Case' for Law Firm IT Administrative Tracking

Technology investment, not unlike human capital, lease/real estate, etc., should be closely managed to maximize the value delivered by a firm's considerable investment in increasingly sophisticated tools.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale

7 minute read

April 14, 2021 | Legaltech News

Legal Technologist Finance 102: Case Studies to Help You Determine ROI

Financial analysis is a vitally important element assisting to move projects forward in challenging economic situations where competition for scarce funding is keen. These four legal technology case studies outline effective methods to quantify costs and benefits in different scenarios supporting ROI analysis.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale

7 minute read

March 23, 2021 | Legaltech News

Legal Technologist Finance 101: What's the Impact of Budgets on Legal Innovation?

Data scientists have huge potential to raise the ceiling in terms of what legal technology and operations can do to improve the industry. But, at times, one's ability to "justify" a project might be what is needed for the managing general partner of your law firm to fire the starter's pistol.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale

7 minute read

November 04, 2020 | Legaltech News

Developing A Law Firm Security Game Plan

Preparing a sports team to face an opponent is a complex process. Similarly, law firms face the challenge of developing a comprehensive game plan to defend against the myriad of cyber threats. Here's what your plan should consider.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale

7 minute read

September 14, 2020 | Legaltech News

Putting All This Legal Ops Data to Work

Whether it pertains to outside counsel rationalization studies, predictive analytics for case resolutions or compliance, quantitative analysis has moved to the forefront of legal leadership.

By Christopher Zegers, IVIONICS and Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale

8 minute read

May 11, 2020 | Legaltech News

The Underappreciated Value of Development Platforms in Legal Technology

Development platforms can sometimes offer a higher ceiling and relatively easy-to-achieve opportunity for law firms to use technology as a differentiator to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale

7 minute read

April 01, 2020 | Legaltech News

Remote Working: Now That We're There, What's Next?

Now that we've all learned to use our hampers as desks and to mute our phones during a Zoom meeting, it's time to shift our focus. It's now beneficial to examine some long-term implications of our new work world, both tactical and cerebral.

By Kenneth Jones, Tanenbaum Keale

8 minute read