Kristie Rearick

Kristie Rearick

Kristie Rearick is the magazines and publications editor at The Legal Intelligencer. She handles contributed content for the newspaper. Contact her [email protected].

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June 21, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

Paternity Is Still an Irrebuttable Presumption

The presumption that a child born of a married couple is the child of that couple is one of the oldest and strongest presumptions in the American common law tradition. Due to various and substantial societal changes in recent decades, the presumption has slowly been modified to reflect those changes the same.

By James W. Cushing

5 minute read

June 20, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

A Little Thank You Goes a Long Way

Your colleagues are highly educated, driven professionals who made their way through law school and the bar exam and are now managing a practice, and they aren't feeling accomplished!

By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board

5 minute read

June 20, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

Pa. High Court Holds Consumers Can Receive Both Punitive and Statutory Treble Damages Under the CPL

Recently, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court was asked to decide whether a plaintiff could simultaneously recover punitive damages under common-law theories and treble damages under the CPL. In a win for Pennsylvania consumers, the court in Dwyer v. Ameriprise Financial, held that a plaintiff could.

By Mark Mailman

8 minute read

June 20, 2024 | Daily Business Review

Are Your Employees Still Exempt From OT? DOL Unveils Final Rule Raising Salary Limits for Exemptions

There can be costly consequences for misclassifying a worker who gets overtime as one who doesn't, and Washington just upped the price to play by its rules. On April 23, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) finalized a rule to increase pay thresholds for overtime eligibility for salaried workers.

By Denise Heekin

6 minute read

June 20, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Devil Is in the Details (and the Deemed Approval Deadlines)

To avoid luxurious lolling by local governments, the Legislature included mandatory deadlines in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. Section 10101 et seq. (MPC), which governs municipal regulation of zoning, subdivision and land development within the commonwealth. The MPC sets forth strict requirements for when and how municipalities make decisions on land use applications, in addition to how they communicate those decisions to the applicant.

By Robert Max Junker and Anna S. Jewart

8 minute read

June 20, 2024 | Daily Business Review

Summer Months Inevitably Bring In a Slew of Jet Ski Rentals, Grievous Injuries and Litigation

As the summer months yield their inevitable slew of injuries, prospective renters should be aware of the life-threatening dangers of jet skis, and their attorneys should be intimately familiar with the many regulations that were enacted to keep them safe.

By Justin B. Shapiro

6 minute read

June 20, 2024 | Daily Business Review

The Evolution of Client Alerts in Legal Research: Maximizing Insights and Impact

By embracing client alerts as integral components of legal research, practitioners can maximize their impact, enhance their strategic decision-making, and navigate complex legal landscapes with confidence.

By Jesse Stolow

6 minute read

June 20, 2024 | Legaltech News

Cybersecurity-as-a-Service for Law Firms: Key Pitfalls and Considerations

Nowadays, given that legal industry has traditionally been cost aware and thrifty, a considerable number of law firms prefer cybersecurity-as-a-service (CaaS) model with a flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing.

By Ilia Kolochenko

7 minute read

June 20, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Whole Truth: Addressing Hypothetical Questions to Lay and Expert Witnesses

Hypothetical questions can help facilitate conversations on judgments about the perceived likelihood or potential consequences of an event or an action. They can also help reveal hidden or flawed assumptions. Supreme Court justices, for instance, often use hypothetical questions to test the outer boundaries of what the advocate is asking the court to declare and of what the court may have to decide.

By Edward T. Kang

7 minute read

June 19, 2024 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Shareholder Primacy in Delaware Corporation Law: Court of Chancery Makes Clear That Delaware Law Assumes 'Single-Firm Model'

The Delaware Court of Chancery recently had the opportunity to weigh in on a plaintiff's unique theory of director and officer fiduciary duties arising out of the stakeholder capitalism model of corporate governance.

By Howard W. Robertson IV

7 minute read