Kristie Rearick is the magazines and publications editor at The Legal Intelligencer. She handles contributed content for the newspaper. Contact her [email protected].
February 01, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional ResponsibilityWhat is one of the more recent issues that are raising concerns with the Office of Disciplinary Counsel in terms of attorneys?
By Samuel C. Stretton
7 minute read
February 01, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
How to Use IRAC Strategies for a Successful Job InterviewI don't remember much about the first case I read in law school, but I do remember how intimidating it was. I arrogantly thought I would quickly read those how-ever-many pages, absorb the content on the first read, IRAC the case in five minutes, and enjoy the rest of my life. Instead I remember spending an eternity reading each page and infinite more time re-reading the most boring content I'd ever been exposed t
By Samantha Divine Jallah
8 minute read
February 01, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
'Tis the Season: Defending Snow and Ice Claims in Pennsylvania and New JerseyIt is generally well known that this time of year, snow and ice (#SNICE) is commonplace. Yet, despite the commonness of snow and ice in this area, people still get injured as a result. A little bit of snow, ice, black ice or freezing rain can turn the roughest paved surface into a skating rink. This article will outline various defenses available and some precautions and practice points that property owners can utilize to protect themselves against the claims and lawsuits that are a near certainty.
By Alex B. Norman, Brielle N. Kovalchek and Elyse N. Cohen
15 minute read
February 01, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor Attends PAP's 2018 Board InductionThe Philadelphia Association of Paralegals (PAP) was honored to have the 2018 Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor, Mary F. Platt, administer the oath of office to the 2018 incoming PAP board members at the first quarter luncheon and board induction ceremony held on Jan. 30 at the Sofitel Philadelphia.
By Christine M. Flynn
3 minute read
February 01, 2018 | Daily Business Review
Connect or Get Disconnected: Don't Miss Out on Opportunities for GrowthCommunity involvement is vital to building your network and making connections. No one has ever made it to the top by sitting back and missing opportunities for growth. As a part of your marketing efforts this year, make a point to make connections, or you could end up disconnected from potential business ventures.
By Julie Talenfeld
6 minute read
February 01, 2018 | Daily Business Review
Proposed Legislation Brings Fla. Autonomous Vehicle Law Closer to Federal GuidanceThe legislature is currently considering two autonomous vehicle bills, one in the Senate and one in the House. The Senate bill, SB 712, would create significant changes in existing autonomous vehicle law, more closely aligning Florida law with recent Federal guidance and general industry standards. The House bill, HB 353, would make adjustments to the existing law, while still making some significant changes.
By John Terwilleger
6 minute read
February 01, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
Supreme Court to Address FWS Designation of Critical Habitat Under the ESALast week the Supreme Court granted certiorari to hear Weyerhauser v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, following denial of a rehearing en banc in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
By Mark L. Greenfogel
8 minute read
February 01, 2018 | The Recorder
Always Asking 'Why?': The Childish Trait That Marks a True LeaderAs young children, we begin our quest for the answers to “Why?” It's an innocent curiosity that is present in every encounter, every conversation and every thought. And it's part of the wonder of being a child. Discovering the world and what makes it tick.
By Julie Brush
4 minute read
January 31, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
Municipal Water and Sewer Authorities: When Wall Street Comes KnockingIt has been a year and a half since Pennsylvania's Fair Value Legislation, Act 12 of 2016, 66 Pa. C.S. Section 1329 (Act 12) went into effect in June 2016. Since Act 12's enactment, Pennsylvania has seen an uptick in investor-owned utilities' (IOUs) attempts to privatize municipal water authorities, and IOUs have publicized their plans to focus on “growth through acquisition.”
By Kevin Dooley Kent and Brittany J. Gigliotti
9 minute read
January 31, 2018 | Delaware Business Court Insider
Where Do You Want to Be Sued?Where does your company want to be sued? Of course, the obvious answer is “nowhere.” But in this litigious country that is not realistic.
By Edward M. McNally
6 minute read