Kristie Rearick

Kristie Rearick

Kristie Rearick is the magazines and publications editor at The Legal Intelligencer. She handles contributed content for the newspaper. Contact her [email protected].

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December 20, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Sexual Harassment: Time for a Cultural Change

Given the virtual certainty that claims of sexual harassment will increase significantly in the wake of recent media coverage of accusations against Harvey Weinstein and others, employers need to remind themselves what costs are associated with sexual harassment and what practices might best minimize those costs.

By Mark A. Hanley

6 minute read

December 20, 2017 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Chancery Adopts Federal Test to Determine Whether to Stay a Civil Case Based on a Criminal Investigation

Neither the Delaware Supreme Court, nor other Delaware state courts have “articulated a specific test” to analyze whether to stay a civil case based on the pendency of a criminal case or investigation.

By Albert H. Manwaring IV

5 minute read

December 19, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

Decision Provides Hope for International Entrepreneurs Seeking to Utilize 'Start-Up' Visa

A recent federal court decision brings good news to international entrepreneurs hoping to utilize the “start-up visa.” Officially known as the international entrepreneurial rule, the IER provides an important additional path for international entrepreneurs to obtain work authorization in the United States.

By Andrew J. Zeltner

5 minute read

December 19, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Foreclosures: Rulings Favor Lender's Stake

Almost exactly six years ago, the Fourth District Court of Appeals struck fear and panic into the hearts of successor lenders. In Glarum v. La Salle Bank, the court reversed a final judgment in the bank's favor because the bank's witness did not have the requisite knowledge of the prior servicer's systems to authenticate certain business records under the business records exception codified in Section 90.803(6)(a), Fla. Stat.

By Christopher Spuches

5 minute read

December 19, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

Getting Your Company's Case Removed to Federal Court When Sued in Your 'Home' State

It's no secret that companies sued as defendants generally prefer to litigate in federal court, not state court. Federal courts are presumed to be more predictable, more transparent, and less subject to local biases than state courts.

By Colin E. Wrabley and Joshua T. Newborn

12 minute read

December 19, 2017 | The Recorder

Tips for Ensuring Compliance With Ethical Obligations

Most attorneys are aware of the ethical obligations owed to clients and take them seriously. However, instead of simply assuming that their attorneys are in compliance with their ethical obligations, law firms can take steps to assist attorneys when ethical issues arise and, where possible, minimize the potential harm to the client, attorney and firm.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna Clair

6 minute read

December 18, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

How Confidential Are Arbitration Proceedings Anyway?

Everyone thinks arbitration proceedings are automatically confidential and that the participants cannot blab about them to others.

By Charles F. Forer

7 minute read

December 18, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

University of Texas Law Compliance Series Offers Holiday Gift for Compliance Professionals

In November, the University of Texas Law School closed the curtain on a unique compliance series designed to teach compliance through basic core tenets. The modules, which aired in September and November, were moderated by one of your columnists.

By Ryan McConnell, Meagan Baker and Stephanie Bustamante

4 minute read

December 18, 2017 | The Recorder

How Important Is In-House Experience When Applying for an In-House Job?

All things being equal, candidates possessing in-house experience still hold a healthy competitive advantage in today's legal market. With this said, the requirement has been relaxed and the consideration is a bit more balanced due to the factors noted above, specifically at the junior levels.

By Julie Brush

4 minute read

December 18, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Rethinking the Harassment Complaint Model

Allegations of sexual harassment and assault have hit the news almost daily over the last several weeks, with fingers pointing at Hollywood “A-Listers,” corporate executives, politicians, journalists, etc., etc., etc.

By Andrew L. Rodman

5 minute read