Laurie Kellman

Laurie Kellman

September 29, 2008 | Daily Report Online

Prosecutor named to probe US attorneys' firings

WASHINGTON AP - Attorney General Michael Mukasey named a prosecutor Monday to investigate whether Bush administration officials violated federal law in the firings of nine federal prosecutors. The scandal stripped the Justice Department of its leadership, damaged its credibility and sparked a historic showdown in court.


5 minute read

July 11, 2008 | Daily Report Online

Congress increasingly going through the motions


4 minute read

April 20, 2007 | Daily Report Online

Gonzales doesn't satisfy critics—Republicans or Democrats—with Senate hearing

WASHINGTON AP - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales came to Capitol Hill with only one mission: to placate Republican and Democratic senators dissatisfied with his account of how eight federal prosecutors were fired.Apparently, he failed. For the first time, Republicans on the Judiciary Committee broke ranks and said it might be best if Gonzales stepped down.

By Laurie Kellman

4 minute read

May 05, 2006 | National Law Journal

D.C. Circuit judicial nominee to get new hearing

Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter on Thursday granted Democrats a hearing to question White House aide and judicial nominee Brett Kavanaugh on his role in the administration's secret wiretapping program, its torture policy and any relationship with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

By Laurie Kellman

4 minute read

November 02, 2007 | Daily Report Online

Bush says there might not be an attorney general if Mukasey nomination fails

By Laurie Kellman

5 minute read

October 31, 2007 | Daily Report Online

Attorney general nominee's prospects dimmed by refusal to say waterboarding illegal

WASHINGTON AP - Prospects for Michael Mukasey's confirmation as the nation's 81st attorney general dimmed Wednesday after he again refused to equate waterboarding with torture and endorsed many of President Bush's positions on executive power.Even his chief Democratic patron, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, refused to say whether he would vote for Mukasey during the Judiciary Committee's consideration of the nomination.

By Laurie Kellman

4 minute read

June 24, 2009 | Daily Report Online

New GOP tack: Will Sotomayor uphold Constitution


5 minute read

June 20, 2008 | Daily Report Online

Former aide: Bush should tell all on CIA leak

WASHINGTON AP - Former presidential spokesman Scott McClellan on Friday said President Bush has lost the public's trust by failing to open up about his administration's mistakes and backtracking on a promise to tell all about the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity."This White House promised or assured the American people that at some point when this was behind us they would talk publicly about it.


5 minute read

August 02, 2007 | Daily Report Online

House panel approves bill shielding reporters from revealing their sources

WASHINGTON AP - Legislation to shield reporters from being forced by prosecutors to reveal their sources was approved Wednesday by the House Judiciary Committee.Media companies and journalism groups have argued that the measure is needed to keep the public informed about government corruption, but the Bush administration and other opponents say it could harm national security.

By Laurie Kellman

4 minute read

January 23, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Senate OKs several Obama nominees, waits on others

WASHINGTON - It's nine down, six to go to fill President Barack Obama's Cabinet. Yet, for all of the progress, his picks for attorney general and deputy defense secretary remain mired in questions over interrogation methods and ethics.On Day Two of the new administration, the Senate unclogged a series of nominations and scheduled a vote for Monday to confirm Timothy Geithner as treasury secretary.


4 minute read