Law Journal Editorial Board

Law Journal Editorial Board

August 09, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Judge's Removal Was Appropriate

The Russo matter ends a sorry chapter in the history of aberrant judicial behavior. The court owed it to New Jersey's 400 judges who exhibit the highest ethical standards and for whom the Code of Judicial Conduct is not aspirational but followed.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

August 02, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

COVID-19 Emergency Bond Act Should Be Held Constitutional

Any other interpretation would mean that there are times when our state Constitution is indeed a suicide pact.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

7 minute read

July 27, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

NJ Should Be Proud of Camden Police Reform

New Jersey should be proud of what has taken place in Camden.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

7 minute read

July 27, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Shock and Horror

We express our heartfelt condolences on behalf of the entire bar to Judge Salas and her husband.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

1 minute read

July 17, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

With Courts Limited, History Helps Guide Use of ADR

Of particular note during the pandemic, both mediation and arbitration are considered "private"—a potential solution to the backlog of court cases that require public access.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

July 17, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Taxpayers Paid For Government Shortfalls in Brennan Case

We are disappointed that the taxpayers of New Jersey have to pay $2.4 million for the failure to properly investigate, keep records, and follow protocol by both the transition team and the Governor's Office.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

July 12, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Court Rightly Declined to Suppress Text Messages

We agree with the result, which is the same as if Armstrong had sent DeWitt threatening letters by old fashioned mail. The state could not intercept them in transit without a warrant, but the recipient could consent to turn them over.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

July 12, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Trump Was Wrong to Threaten Use of Military During Protests

We do not believe the Insurrection Act could reasonably justify the use of the military in the present circumstances absent state invitation.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

July 05, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Stopgap Budgeting Raises Constitutional Questions

There is no easy solution to the fiscal disarray that COVID-19 has wrought, but the ultimate choice might be better made through the democratic process than the judicial one.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

8 minute read

June 28, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Reimagine the Role of Police

A gradual process of strategically reallocating resources, funding, and responsibility away from police toward community-based models of safety, support, and prevention will go a long way towards bettering our society.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read