September 22, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Remembering the Newark RiotsIt was humbling to be confronted by the realization that the sophisticated body of law we worked so hard in law school to master, which we were taught was designed to keep social order, was no match for the hysteria of the masses.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
3 minute read
September 22, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Waterfront Commission Still VitalWe agree with those who say that the Waterfront Commission remains a necessary component of crime control in the port district of New York and New Jersey. It continues to play a vital role in the fight against corruption and the regulation of hiring practices in the port.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
2 minute read
September 15, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Mentor Young Lawyers EffectivelyPassing on poor professional values and practices from generation to generation will not grow our profession. Make new lawyers proud that they are professionals, and not simply ordinary marketplace merchants.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
3 minute read
September 15, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
On 'Neo-Nazis Need Not Apply' Policy, Legal Questions ExistSince the recent disturbances in Charlottesville, the question has arisen whether a private employer can lawfully fire an at will employee who took part in the neo-Nazi demonstration or other white supremacist activity that the employer finds offensive or embarrassing.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
September 08, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Montclair State Traffic Study Ruling Is Simple But SignificantA seemingly simple matter involving the construction of a road on Montclair State campus took many years and is still not finally resolved. But at least it is now clearly established that matters of this sort do not have to be presented to local planning or zoning boards.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
5 minute read
September 08, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Crime Doesn't Pay But Cooperation Does; Just Ask WildsteinIt is worthwhile to be reminded of the philosophy of the Ivan opinion from time-to-time: Crime may not pay, but cooperation by a criminal certainly does.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
5 minute read
September 08, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Courts Should Clamp Down on Planning Boards' Foot-DraggingLocal boards are once again on notice that if they intentionally delay hearing and deciding applications, a default approval will likely result.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
5 minute read
September 01, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
To Be a Fly on the Wall in a Trump-Focused Con Law ClassTrump's presidency has raised a number of tricky constitutional issues, from the more obvious ones of self-pardons to the more esoteric ones of understanding the Emoluments Clause and the 25th Amendment. Many of us at the bar studied law before Nixon's threatened impeachment or Clinton's impeachment but acquittal, and we may need refreshers on the intricacies of Article II Section 4.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
2 minute read
September 01, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Arpaio Pardon a Bad MessagePresident Trump's pardon of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio sends a clear message to every brass-knuckle racist cop in the United States.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
1 minute read
September 01, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal
Supreme Court's OPRA Ruling Represents a Backward StepIn re New Jersey Firemen's Association raises more questions than it resolves, will complicate OPRA proceedings in the future, and ultimately detracts from the intent and operation of OPRA. New Jersey's long-standing tradition of access to government records has taken a step back.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
6 minute read
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