Lawrence K Marks

Lawrence K Marks

April 28, 2022 | New York Law Journal

Court-Sponsored Alternative Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice

Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, writes: Notwithstanding the challenges presented by the pandemic, thousands of cases have been referred to virtual and in-person mediation since January 2020, with a settlement rate of over 50%.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

8 minute read

January 14, 2022 | New York Law Journal

Continued Pursuit of Excellence in a Time of Uncertainty

Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, writes: As a result of our increased reliance on technology and innovation, and the progress we have made to move cases during the pandemic, we have every expectation that the court system will be able to return to full operational capacity in the upcoming fiscal year.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

7 minute read

April 30, 2021 | New York Law Journal

The Rule of Law and the Courts

Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, writes that although the past year brought unprecedented challenges for society as a whole, including the courts, we can take great assurance in the fact that, despite the challenges, the rule of law has endured through the efforts of courts to keep cases moving.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

5 minute read

January 15, 2021 | New York Law Journal

The Urgent Need for Adequate Court System Funding

Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, writes: The organized bar must make its voice heard by emphasizing that further cuts in court system resources will devastate the delivery of justice in this state, particularly for economically disadvantaged people who turn to the courts to preserve essential rights and legal protections.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

6 minute read

January 24, 2020 | New York Law Journal

The Costs Savings of Trial Court Consolidation

Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, examines how Chief Judge DiFiore's plan to streamline the state's court system will allow for a far more equitable allocation of resources and caseloads among the trial courts, enabling the more efficient and expeditious processing and adjudication of cases.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

6 minute read

April 30, 2019 | New York Law Journal

The Vital Relationship Between the Courts and the Press

Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, writes: Because understanding and knowledge of the workings of the courts is critical to achieving public trust and confidence in our justice system, we rely heavily on news media to educate the public about what we do and how we operate. Thus, ensuring transparency in the operation of the courts requires cooperation between the courts and the news media.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

5 minute read

January 25, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Chief Administrative Judge: Reviewing Appellate Record Is Appropriate

Among the range of factors the administrative board considers is how Appellate Division (and Supreme Court) justices' decisions have fared on appeal, an entirely appropriate and relevant factor that has long been evaluated in the certification process.

By Lawrence K. Marks

2 minute read

January 11, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Implementing 'Raise the Age' Legislation

Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, discusses the implementation of the Raise the Age legislation, writing: Given the effective collaborative efforts of all relevant government agencies, and within the court system itself, raising the age of criminal responsibility has been highly successful with few hurdles in its path.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

7 minute read

April 30, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Working Together to Achieve Excellence

Separation of powers was designed to bind governmental authority by creating tension among the branches, with each limiting the others. Nevertheless, to accomplish important goals and necessary reforms, the three branches of government frequently must collaborate and support one another to be successful.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

6 minute read

January 19, 2018 | New York Law Journal

A Technology-Focused Approach to Administering Justice

Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, writes: One critical means of achieving the goals of the Excellence Initiative is through technology. By expanding and modernizing our technology operations, we have made justice more accessible and more efficient.

By Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York State Unified Court System

6 minute read