Lisa Helem

Lisa Helem

Lisa Helem is the editor in chief of The National Law Journal. Contact her at [email protected]. On Twitter: @lhelemNLJ

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March 22, 2020 | National Law Journal

The Cavalry Isn't Coming: Governors and Mayors Take Lead on Coronavirus Pandemic

A Georgetown Law professor outlines how state and local leaders are equipped to act.

By Meryl Chertoff

7 minute read

March 12, 2020 | National Law Journal

We Navigated Crises. Here's How to Prepare Your Business in the Coronavirus Era

Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh C. Johnson and Jeannie S. Rhee, a former team leader at Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office, share insight to help general counsel and other key stakeholders through rough waters.  

By Jeh C. Johnson and Jeannie S. Rhee

6 minute read

March 06, 2020 | National Law Journal

How Law Firms Can Move Beyond the Diversity Echo Chamber

Diversity conferences can be transformative for lawyers, argues Hogan Lovells' senior inclusion manager. 

By Bendita Cynthia Malakia

6 minute read

March 03, 2020 | National Law Journal

Are We on the Cusp of Crippling the CFPB?

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse argues that an anti-regulatory money machine is to blame.

By Sheldon Whitehouse

6 minute read

March 01, 2020 | National Law Journal

Varied Perspectives, Better Solutions: The Case for Diversity in Law School Leadership

Diversity cannot be just a buzzword, nor is it captured by mere statistics. It must be in the fabric of each institution.

By Mark C. Alexander

5 minute read

February 28, 2020 | National Law Journal

Congress Wants to Talk to Your Client—Now What?

Put aside the litigation playbook and keep in mind these tips.

By Robert N. Driscoll

5 minute read

February 27, 2020 | National Law Journal

March Editor's Note - A New Generation of DC Fixers Makes Its Mark

NLJ Editor-in-Chief Lisa Helem delivers highlights of the NLJ's March issue, including a cover story on law firm crisis management leaders making their mark and a Q&A with Hogan Lovells partner Neal Katyal.

By Lisa Helem

2 minute read

February 13, 2020 | National Law Journal

Foreign Information Is Not a Campaign Finance Violation

No president could effectively exercise his constitutional authority if his every interaction with foreign officials is subject to second-guessing under campaign finance laws. This is wrong as a matter of policy and barred by the Constitution, a First Amendment lawyer writes.

By James Bopp, Jr.

6 minute read

January 30, 2020 | National Law Journal

February Editor's Note - Will 'June Medical Services' Spell Abortion's End?

Editor-in-Chief Lisa Helem shares highlights from the NLJ's February magazine, including a cover story on the major U.S. Supreme Court case June Medical Services v. Gee and an interview with Michael Dreeben, former deputy solicitor general of the United States.

By Lisa Helem

2 minute read

January 22, 2020 | National Law Journal

The 2020 Elite Trial Lawyers: Our Winners

The lawyers and law firms selected this year have demonstrated repeated success in cutting-edge work on behalf of plaintiffs.

By ALM Staff

3 minute read