Louis Locascio

Louis Locascio

June 25, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

Not All Witness Contact Is Witness Tampering, Says NJ Supreme Court

"The decision is significant because trial courts now have the benefit of a concise and appropriate witness tampering jury instruction," writes retired Superior Court Judge Louis Locascio.

By Louis Locascio

7 minute read

April 24, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

When Does Self Service Begin and End in the Mode of Operation Rule?

"Does the mode of operation rule apply where customers wait on themselves after being served by an employee?" writes former Superior Court Judge Louis Locascio.

By Louis Locascio

7 minute read

March 21, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

Let's Go to the Video Tape: Crime Surveillance Videos and Jury Deliberations

"With our increased video technology, this decision represents a needed and welcomed addition to our evidentiary procedures," writes former Superior Court Judge Louis Locascio.

By Louis Locascio

7 minute read

August 04, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Court Says Third Party Can Attend and Record Defense Medical Exams

Just over one year ago, after the trial courts, in three cases consolidated on appeal, denied plaintiffs' requests to have a third party accompany them during a defense medical examination (DME), the Appellate Division set forth six guidelines for third parties attending and recording DMEs.

By Louis Locascio

7 minute read

August 15, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

How to Serve a Tort Claim Notice on a Public Entity

COURT WATCH: The Tort Claims Act does not identify the particular county office or officer to be served.

By Louis Locascio

5 minute read

June 30, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Court Sets Guidelines for Third Parties Attending and Recording Defense Medical Exams

COURT WATCH: In view of inconsistent trial court rulings, Judge Sabatino saw the need for a uniform procedure to deal with a third party observing and the recording of DMEs.

By Louis Locascio

7 minute read

May 23, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Confession Obtained via Police Lie Cannot Stand

COURT WATCH: New Jersey Supreme Court held that defendant's Miranda waiver, based upon a police lie about alleged incriminating evidence, could not be voluntary, and therefore her confession must be suppressed.

By Louis Locascio

6 minute read

April 11, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Court Knocks Out Successive Tortfeasors in Round Three

For the second time in one year, the court held that subsequent medical malpractice defendants are not entitled to a pro tanto (full) credit for an initial tortfeasor's settlement.

By Louis Locascio

7 minute read

February 25, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

No LAD Claim for Employee Fired Because She Was Unqualified

COURT WATCH: Although the Law Against Discrimination is generally liberally construed in favor of the employee, employers still have the right to fire someone who can't do the job.

By Louis Locascio

7 minute read

January 17, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

What Part of 'Knock' Don't You Understand?

COURT WATCH: The police seized heroin, fentanyl and marijuana, but the court suppressed the evidence. Why? Because the police neither knocked nor announced their presence.

By Louis Locascio

6 minute read