Madeline Manion

Madeline Manion

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November 15, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Internet Harassment in the Workplace: Civil and Criminal Legal Actions Possible

Internet harassment is a form of conduct. It may take place on a workplace computer or on an augmented realty game. More specifically, internet conduct includes posting threats, obscene images, as well as internet communications via text, messaging, computer or email, which conveys harmful or false information on social media sites.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

November 09, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

How Much Can a Medical Provider Charge for Records? It Depends.

This year has been a rollercoaster year for the interpretation of those statutes, as considerable changes to these statutes went into effect in the first half of 2022, then were partially reversed only months later. Litigators should understand the current state of the law in order to best navigate these rules.

By Gregory S. Dahl

8 minute read

November 08, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Employment Law in the Metaverse and Zoomiverse: Everything Old Is New Again

Employers embracing remote work, either exclusively or on a hybrid basis, should review and update their employment policies and trainings to ensure employees understand what virtual forms of harassment and other inappropriate conduct look like—and how they need to adapt their conduct and appearance to virtual workspaces.

By Laura A. Stutz

7 minute read

November 08, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Is a Company Permitted To Transfer PI From Europe to the US for a Discovery Request?

The EDPB has stated that the transfer must be "occasional," and expressly recognizes that data transfers for the purpose of formal pre-trial discovery procedures in civil litigation may fall under this derogation.

By Diane D. Reynolds, Jena M. Valdetero and David A. Zetoony

9 minute read

November 07, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Privately Governed Communities Can't Push Out Sex Offenders, Pa. Appeals Court Says

"If the local counties and municipalities must adhere to these statewide mandates, so must private residential communities," Ceisler said.

By Madeline Manion

4 minute read

November 07, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Mary Toscano on 'Starting Over' as a Defense Attorney

"Having been a prosecutor for over 13 years, people ask me if it was difficult to transition from being a prosecutor to being a defense attorney. Truthfully, to my own surprise, it was simple for me to 'switch sides.'"

By Madeline Manion

3 minute read

November 07, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Tracy Thompson's Impact as Insurance Fraud Prosecutor

"More than being confirmed by the Senate as only the third Insurance Fraud Prosecutor in the office's 24-year history, I've had the opportunity to work with some of the most dedicated public employees in the state."

By Madeline Manion

2 minute read

November 07, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Stephanie Reckord on Sponsorship vs. Mentorship

"Sponsoring, as opposed to mentoring, allows young individual women to rise up in our profession much more quickly. Providing personal and professional opportunities directly to young women makes them feel included and committed both within and outside of their personal work environments."

By Madeline Manion

3 minute read

November 07, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

The Important Lesson of 'Who You Know,' According to Donna Jennings

"I think recognizing that sometimes you need to rely on others to accomplish a certain task or goal is an important lesson. In other words, you need to constantly be expanding your network and be willing to assist others when they reach out as well."

By Madeline Manion

3 minute read

November 07, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

'Hurdles to Success' Must Be Identified Early, Camille Otero Says

"It's vital to not only instruct women in the substantive aspects of the law, but also teach them how to network and develop business in ways that take into account societal gender differences."

By Madeline Manion

3 minute read