Maria Dinzeo

Maria Dinzeo

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May 15, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Sesame Workshop Hands Legal Reins to Nonprofit Veteran

"Sesame Workshop launched my career as an in-house media and nonprofit attorney, and I'm thrilled to come full circle," Valerie Mitchell Johnston said of her new role.

By Maria Dinzeo

3 minute read

May 12, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Is Big Tech's Cloud Dominance Scary or Impressive?

"We want to make sure at the FTC we're fully understanding what are the factors that are leading the market to be so concentrated in the hands of a few companies, and what are the downstream risks that might stem from that," FTC Chair Lina Khan said at a panel discussion the agency held Thursday.

By Maria Dinzeo

5 minute read

May 11, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

What Executives Should Take From Ex-Uber Security Chief Joe Sullivan's Sentence

"What everyone in the industry wants to understand is, where is the line, and how can we be sure we're not crossing it?" said Ed McAndrew, a former cybercrime prosecutor.

By Maria Dinzeo

6 minute read

May 11, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Corporate Bans of AI Tools Come With Their Own Risks

"You can ban it on company equipment but you can't ban it on other devices that employees might be using. It would be like banning email, or Google search, or a reticence to using the Google enterprise suite of products," said Nithya Das, former chief legal officer of Olo.

By Maria Dinzeo

7 minute read

May 09, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Study Reveals How Pedigree of Law Schools, Law Firms Influence In-House Pay

"Lawyers have been buying into this since they went to law school. You're in the club, so why let anybody else in?" said Sean Burke, a partner at the in-house recruiting firm Whistler Partners.

By Maria Dinzeo

4 minute read

May 04, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Former Uber Security Chief Joe Sullivan Avoids Prison Time

"I'm grateful for everyone who stood by me," Sullivan said of the more than 200 people who wrote letters of support. "I felt like I was at my own Irish wake."

By Maria Dinzeo

6 minute read

May 04, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

In-House Compensation Slipped Last Year After Frothy 2021

"When you're comparing it to a record year it does look down, but overall compensation was actually still strong," said Mary Rombaut, managing director of research and analytics at BarkerGilmore.

By Maria Dinzeo

3 minute read

May 03, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Meta Blasts FTC After Agency Moves to Block It From Monetizing Child and Teen Data

"Let's be clear about what the FTC is trying to do: usurp the authority of Congress to set industry-wide standards and instead single out one American company while allowing Chinese companies, like TikTok, to operate without constraint on American soil," a Meta spokesperson said.

By Maria Dinzeo

4 minute read

May 02, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

MADD Names Nonprofit Veteran as Legal Chief Amid Executive-Hiring Spree

Saerin Cho has taken the legal reins of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, which launched in 1980 to fight impaired driving and underage drinking and to assist victims of impaired-driving accidents.

By Maria Dinzeo

3 minute read

May 02, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Ex-Uber Security Chief's Impending Sentencing Exposes Divide in Cybersecurity Community

"I recognize the costs the case has had on so many—and I believe they all could have been avoided if I had acted differently back in 2016," Joe Sullivan wrote in a letter to the court.

By Maria Dinzeo

8 minute read