Maria Dinzeo

Maria Dinzeo

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December 06, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

AARP In-House Veteran Tapped as 3E's GC

Audrey Jean is stepping down as senior vice president and chief privacy officer of AARP, where she helped protect the data of its 38 million members.

By Maria Dinzeo

2 minute read

December 06, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

AT&T to Pay $6.25M to Settle SEC Charges It Leaked Internal Data to Analysts

The agency alleged that the telecom giant tried to avoid a quarterly revenue miss by sharing disappointing smartphone sales with analysts ahead of announcing earnings.

By Maria Dinzeo

2 minute read

December 05, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

'There Are Many, Many Pitfalls': How In-House Counsel Can Help Navigate Layoff Minefield

"You need to make sure you're treating people with dignity and with respect. They're not just cogs in a wheel," said Robert Foehl, a professor of law and business ethics at Ohio University.

By Maria Dinzeo

5 minute read

December 02, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

'A Huge Shift': Job-Hunting Attorneys Turn to Stable Companies, Cash Over Stock Options

"Those fly-by-night, Series A companies people would quit their law firm jobs for—no one is quitting for them now," said Sean Burke, founding partner of the legal recruiting firm Whistler Partners.

By Maria Dinzeo

4 minute read

November 28, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

'Surprised, Angry, Dismayed': Legal Departments Vow to Fight Law Firms' Rate-Hike Plans

"This feels more like law firms throwing spaghetti up against a wall and seeing what sticks," said Jason Winmill, managing partner of Argopoint.

By Hugo Guzman | Trudy Knockless | Maria Dinzeo | Greg Andrews

7 minute read

November 23, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Disney's Impending Restructuring Presents a Test for Its Star General Counsel

"Any time you have a CEO shakeup of any sort, the first idea is, will the general counsel be around?" said Robert Foehl, a professor of law and business ethics at Ohio University.

By Maria Dinzeo

6 minute read

November 22, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Senior Attorney at Swiss Re Takes Legal Reins of Climate-Risk Startup

Matthew Gabin says he wants to help Arbol "reinvent the way the world manages climate risk."

By Maria Dinzeo

2 minute read

November 22, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Executives in Crosshairs as FTC Bears Down on Companies Over Data Breaches

"I think the majority of the commission believes that the only way you're going to get adequate senior leadership's attention to these issues is to say, 'If it doesn't work it's your fault,'" said William Kovacic, a former FTC chairman.

By Maria Dinzeo

6 minute read

November 18, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

In-House Lesson No. 1 From FTX Calamity: Don't 'Put Your Head in the Sand'

"If you want to be an effective in-house counsel, then you make yourself a seat at the table," said Foster Sayers, general counsel at contract management software company Pramata.

By Maria Dinzeo

5 minute read

November 17, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Tech Giants Have Halted Their Legal 'Hiring Frenzy,' but Specialists Will Still Be in Demand

"The irony and unfortunate reality is if you have fewer compliance people, you might have more compliance work to do," said Karen Woody, a Washington and Lee University School of Law associate professor.

By Maria Dinzeo

5 minute read