December 01, 2014 | Corporate Counsel
Gotta Serve SomebodyStephanie Kimbro: Fellow, Stanford Law School's Center on the Legal Profession
By Maria Zilberman
4 minute read
October 01, 2014 | Corporate Counsel
Lawyer for the Long HaulJanelle Orsi: Cofounder and Executive Director, Sustainable Economies Law Center
By Maria Zilberman
4 minute read
September 22, 2014 | The Recorder
UC-Berkeley's Catherine CrumpThe former ACLU litigator says technology is moving faster than courts can keep up.
By Maria Zilberman
4 minute read
September 22, 2014 | The Recorder
UC-Berkeley's Catherine CrumpThe former ACLU litigator says technology is moving faster than courts can keep up.
By Maria Zilberman
4 minute read
September 19, 2014 | The Recorder
In Tough Times, Law Schools Focus on Jobs, Skills TrainingThe deans of four California law schools discuss new initiatives and the future of legal education.
By Maria Zilberman
9 minute read
September 08, 2014 | The Recorder
Weil Scores Patent Win for AdobeAn Oakland jury sided with the software company, finding the two patents at issue were invalid.
By Maria Zilberman
2 minute read
August 29, 2014 | The Recorder
Associate Morale Is High, But So Is AngstThe results of the 2014 Associates Survey expose high anxiety over workplace demands and partnership prospects.
By Maria Zilberman
6 minute read
August 27, 2014 | The Recorder
2014 Associates Survey: Bay Area ReportWhat associates are saying about the best—and worst—workplaces in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
By Maria Zilberman
5 minute read
August 22, 2014 | The Recorder
Stanford Law School's Stephanie KimbroThe online law practice expert says knowing technology is key to career survival.
By Maria Zilberman
6 minute read
August 21, 2014 | The Recorder
NYT's 'Deal Professor' Joins Berkeley Law SchoolSteven Davidoff Solomon, who writes on mergers and acquisitions for The New York Times, is one in a slew of new hires at Bay Area law schools.
By Maria Zilberman
3 minute read
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