Mark E Felger

Mark E Felger

June 01, 2022 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Director's Access to Company's Privileged Information Upheld Despite Proxy Contest

Where two halves of a deadlocked board are competing in a proxy contest, can one half assert the corporation's privilege against the other?

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

8 minute read

May 04, 2022 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Stark Upholds Granting of Nunc Pro Tunc Retentions by Bankruptcy Court

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a per curiam opinion in 2020, said that the federal courts may issue nunc pro tunc orders, or "now for then" orders, to reflect the reality of what had already occurred.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

6 minute read

March 30, 2022 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Slights Addresses Third-Party Direct Actions by Judgment Holders Against an Insurer

May a third party bring a direct action against an insurer for coverage on a theory of subrogation when equitable subrogation does not apply and the right cannot be traced to a statute or contract?

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

8 minute read

March 02, 2022 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Court Refuses Appointment of a Custodian Under DGCL Section 226(a)(3) to Continue Defunct Corporation

Although Vice Chancellor Travis Laster denied the petition based on the language of the statute, his opinion appears to abandon the court's previous policy against permitting the revival of defunct Delaware corporations for use as blank check companies.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

7 minute read

February 02, 2022 | Delaware Business Court Insider

The Common Law Insolvency Exception for the Sale of a Corporation's Assets Without Stockholder OK

At common law, before the directors could sell all the assets of a healthy corporation, they had to obtain unanimous stockholder approval. The unanimity requirement gave rise to holdout problems, where a minority of stockholders could block a transaction.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

8 minute read

January 12, 2022 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Timely Appeal of Order of Dismissal Warrants Substitution and Further Proceedings by Chapter 7 Trustee

The Supreme Court held that the trustee should be substituted for the nominal defendant and realigned as the plaintiff in the Chancery Action to enable him to pursue the derivative claims previously asserted by the plaintiff in the Chancery Action.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

8 minute read

December 08, 2021 | Delaware Business Court Insider

VC Glasscock on the Evolution of the Vested Rights Doctrine in Delaware

The vested rights doctrine allows a property developer to proceed with a project under the rules and regulations in place at the time that its rights vested, despite subsequent changes to the law.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

8 minute read

November 03, 2021 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Delaware Court Is Proper Forum to Address Issues Raised by Foreign Letters Rogatory

Superior Court Judge Paul R. Wallace addressed two issues raised by subpoenas issued pursuant to foreign letters rogatory: whether the Superior Court or the foreign court should hear disputes concerning the propriety and scope of the subpoenas, and whether to shift costs from the nonparty to the party requesting the discovery.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

6 minute read

October 06, 2021 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Board's Delayed Response to Misconduct in Light of Enforcement Actions Defeats 'Caremark' Claim

From 2006 through 2012, FedEx carriers delivered "an infinitesimal percentage" of packages containing untaxed, unstamped cigarettes to New York residents. Enforcement actions followed, and in 2018, FedEx settled the actions by paying $35.3 million and agreeing to several internal reforms.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

8 minute read

September 01, 2021 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Chancery Holds Section 3104(d)(4) Provides Standalone Authority for Alternative Means for Service of Process

Chancery Rule 4(d) specifies how service of a summons and complaint shall be made and specifies the manner of personal service upon various classes of defendants. Rule 4(d)(7) allows for an order directing a different or an additional mode of service of a summons in a special case.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

7 minute read